yeah i got that error code so i need 2 send it in…
btw, did u know XBOX and PS3 are LOSING money for every console they sold? Nintendo isnt tho. see, microsoft and sony hope that the games will repay the losses and surpass even that and make them alot of money, but nintendo knows what they are doing.NEW PROJECT… CRIMSON SKYjust started…Hey im back. and my WII is destroyed + CRIMSON SKY
Posted by DSG on Dec. 21, 2006, 12:42 a.m.
@melee: no, the error i got ruins the ability for it to update, thats y it has 2 b sent in
Why the fuck do you NEVER finish a game?
"You make usch kick-ass games man."
He never finish's them fast the engine.past*
Ah damn, that blows.
Looks great. Wish I were that good.