Hey im back. and my WII is destroyed + CRIMSON SKY

Posted by DSG on Dec. 21, 2006, 12:42 a.m.

yeah i got that error code so i need 2 send it in…

btw, did u know XBOX and PS3 are LOSING money for every console they sold? Nintendo isnt tho. see, microsoft and sony hope that the games will repay the losses and surpass even that and make them alot of money, but nintendo knows what they are doing.


just started…

I'm not releasing much…this will be the game i use to get a job (portfolio)


RANDOM FACT ABOUT CRIMSON SKY #1: those clouds on the title screen? i took a picture of messed up cotton balls w/my phone here in my room and with alittle editing got that.

RANDOM FACT ABOUT CRIMSON SKY #2: I made that logo while wearing a santa claus hat.


DSG 18 years, 2 months ago

uh no its a aplatformer

DSG 18 years, 2 months ago

@OpticalLiam: yeah original and so is the music and sound

Hootiehoo 18 years, 2 months ago

Isn't Crimson Sky a game being made by Michal Marcinkowski? The Soldat guy?


Oh, no, wait, I think it's Crimson Glory.

NeutralReiddHotel 18 years, 2 months ago

I hate your awesomeness. I really do. =(

tylerthemiler 18 years, 2 months ago

What do you make your graphics with??

melee-master 18 years, 2 months ago

Why is everyone complaining about "apparent Wii issues", when they're practically non-existant? The only reason they seem like a problem is because more things are posted about errors than how it runs flawlessly, and for a good, obvious reason. Additionally, the reason people buy the Wii is the same as every other console. People buy it because of advertising? Well no freaking shit they do. All of you dissing the Wii without straight facts are sounding like fanboys, which is sad.

The reason why Wii is cheap is because it's made from crap materials and, as you saw from your error-code, not throughly processed.

I own a Wii and you don't, and I can tell you that you're completely wrong.

@DSG: I forgot to tell you, there is an Xbox game called Crimson Skies… So yeah, if you want this to be for your portfolio, it may need to be changed.

DSG 18 years, 2 months ago

i know of crimson skies… i google all my names… its not the same, only close… and dude… their are alot of games with similer names right? plus, the games are totally different.

and the wii interface… eh, i wish it was more… stylish, maybe black or so it looks onyx… it lacks any flair visually. it wouldnt have been to hard to make it more powerful… i mean, if it were as powerful as the other 2… id be willing to buy it for 200 more… i think nintendo should have atleast made it less of a laughing stock to those who only care about power… i want BOTH power and innovation… the days of graphics r coming 2 an end, but nintendo isnt mainstream anymore.

GearGOD 18 years, 2 months ago

Sony expects to lose $1.7 billion dollars in their gaming division by March. That means that I and anyone else who makes any money at all between now and March (or at least manages not to lose more than $1,699,999,999.99) will officially make more money than Sony's gaming division.

Whether or not that money will come back is questionable at this point.

melee-master 18 years, 2 months ago

"and the wii interface… eh, i wish it was more… stylish, maybe black or so it looks onyx…"

Did you ever get the update? It looks much nicer. But yeah, I actually think the ability to have different themes would be pretty sweet (black with glowing blue =D)

DSG 18 years, 2 months ago

Geargod is absolutely right. they say if the ps3 and games dont take off, it will sink the company