Hey im back. and my WII is destroyed + CRIMSON SKY

Posted by DSG on Dec. 21, 2006, 12:42 a.m.

yeah i got that error code so i need 2 send it in…

btw, did u know XBOX and PS3 are LOSING money for every console they sold? Nintendo isnt tho. see, microsoft and sony hope that the games will repay the losses and surpass even that and make them alot of money, but nintendo knows what they are doing.


just started…

I'm not releasing much…this will be the game i use to get a job (portfolio)


RANDOM FACT ABOUT CRIMSON SKY #1: those clouds on the title screen? i took a picture of messed up cotton balls w/my phone here in my room and with alittle editing got that.

RANDOM FACT ABOUT CRIMSON SKY #2: I made that logo while wearing a santa claus hat.


RhysAndrews 18 years, 2 months ago

Oh and @ theman… I think DSG has a brilliant talent - but 90% of the game's he has started he hasn't finished. The one's he HAS finished are nice, but short and sweet. His major projects, though the demos are awesome, never get finished. No offence, DSG - just stating some facts - I really admire your work.


punimer_gm 18 years, 2 months ago

i agree with melee, the wii is rubbish, the only reason people want it is because of good advertising, it will break easily, because it sucks in the disks with a vacume, andwill also suck in alot of other junk. it is good the first time, but soon you realise that it does not actually sense your exact movements, and it just senses any movement, and performs a preset movement, in other words, all the games are just one button games, nothing worth selling.

i played one, the onlygood thing about it is that you can point it at the screen, and it senses where you point, but even that does not work properly! if you just hold it still the aim will go all over the place!

OL 18 years, 2 months ago

Your game looks great. Are the graphics original?

I hate consoles full stop. I love Sega Mega Drive, and I have an Xbox (but don't play it too much), but the classic consoles were the best.

And people call me contradictive! You obviously mean next gen consoles, but I'm making a point.

Cesar 18 years, 2 months ago

it will break easily
Excuse me, but my wii remote is still in perfect conditions after throwing it around the room ON PURPOSE. The wii is pretty strong too.

because it sucks in the disks with a vacuum
I could have sworn they had DVD players that did this as well… oh wait, you didn't mention them… and why the hell would it use a vacuum, it uses wheels to push the game in O_o

but soon you realize that it does not actually sense your exact movements
Really? I could have sworn that that little remote would sense all of my bodily movements, without a sensor suit required

all the games are just one button games

i played one, the onlygood thing about it is that you can point it at the screen, and it senses where you point, but even that does not work properly! if you just hold it still the aim will go all over the place!
The sensitivity of the sensor bar determines how much the wii pointer moves from a distance you choose

Also, Rhys, The wii is not made from crap materials, if it was, the semiconductor in my wii would have melted by now, as the wii powers its fan off when not in use, but is still on, as it is connected to the internet. My wii has been off for 5 days now, and it's still doing well.

The error in your wii might be one in a million, but then again, you've been complaining about your wii somewhat in the last week…

also, I can't notice if it's a platformer or a TDS, as the character looks platformish, but the background looks TDSish

gamehawk 18 years, 2 months ago

You make usch kick-ass games man.

Grand-High Gamer 18 years, 2 months ago

Everyone was complaining with the X-BOX360 crashing alot when it came out, very rarely do I hear about the Wii crashing or the Gamecube/N64 ruining discs like the PS1/2 were known to do.

And if its so bad then why have they sold a whole digit+double more than the PS3 considering the PS3 came out earlier (http://nexgenwars.com/), THATS ALMOST 4TH OF WHAT THE 360 HAS SOLD, considering it has only been out a few weeks.

I've played one and it was pretty darn fun if you ask me, and games are supposed to be fun, nothing more.

KaBob799 18 years, 2 months ago

With wii that means they can lower the price a lot once the production costs go down =) I wouldnt be suprised if it eventually cost less than gamecube currently does.

Luckily nintendo has great customer service, its easy to get stuff repaired =)

RetroVortex 18 years, 2 months ago

good to hear your back DSG…

It's cool that your going to take your hobby/gift over into the proffesional world..

Your graphics are top notch and look very realistic. You could go into the online game selling market with the quality you produce…

But I'm pretty sure you've got your eyes on a bigger prize…

Well, good luck with it all…

DSG 18 years, 2 months ago

@mixahman: yeah i realize it is not consistant but i did this to make the game have a bit of a surreal feel, and so it is in perspective vs linear from multiple positions… its incorrect on purpose… u dont think it takes away from the game do u?

blueBX 18 years, 2 months ago

Same here. The game looks cool. Also, nice idea on making the clouds out of cotton balls.