Suggested Rules for Blogs

Posted by DSG on Feb. 5, 2006, 11:34 p.m.

MY opinion on how blogs should be regulated.


1. The title must not contain strong language

2. The title must not be in a larger font than the original size.

3. Blog titles can be written in bold, italic, or underline, but not in different sizes, different colors, or different fonts.

4. The titles may not be unusually long.


1. The blog can be about anything subject wise unless it is prejudice or heavily offensive

2. The blog may not contain any prejudice or heavily offensive material in general

3. The blog may not contain porn or nudity of any kind

4. The blog may not contain information that violates the privacy of others or release information that must not be disclosed.


1. Links must not link to pornographic or illegal sites

2. links cannot link to dangerous sites or files


Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

o_O fsx that was harsh….. but soft >.>

Pandaroo_Fang 19 years ago

They are good rules though…. but not being a mod I can't say… but i THINK they're good :D oh yeeah

ludamad 19 years ago

You do know he was joking right?