Posted by DSG on Feb. 24, 2006, 12:35 a.m.

<b><big><big><big>DARKBLOG 1</big></big></big></b>

Yup. just thought I'd jump on the bandwagon.

Alot of cool games here recently. TaleriaKNT, one of the newer users, makes some wicked stuff like the milkdrop thing.

I think Panda got bored of 64D…. she hasnt been here a while…

Yours truely submitted a WIP of Starburst Zero

oh and what happened to SpectreNectar? ,,, havnt heard from him in a while.

…Rezblogs…. yup he made one but called it uhm… eh i dont remember

and Melee Master listens to some damn good music.

yeah… u can tell i dont have anything better to do lol well, stay tuned. theres a small possibility ill make another one of these

oh and this



<img src="http://64digits.com/users/DarkSirrusGames/darkblogimg.PNG">


eh… guess u cant put images in your blog title in the recent blogs *OMG! they killed my logo! YOU BASTARDS!!! (south park… which is in colorado… where i live… yay?)*


melee-master 19 years ago


Yours truely submitted a WIP of Starburst Zero

And yours truly shall accept it into the database.


oh and what happened to SpectreNectar? ,,, havnt heard from him in a while.

School, alchohol, or girls. No offense Spectre.


and Melee Master listens to some damn good music.

Yes I do.

Just wait until Ludamad sees this… XD

Also, remove the pic you tried putting in your title, or a comment or admin will get rid of it.

ludamad 19 years ago




Rez 19 years ago


Josea 19 years ago

aja, ok.

Kenon 19 years ago

South Park is based of little-something-, colorado, where the columbine massacre happened.

gamehawk 19 years ago

Man, that blog where spectre cut himself up worries me. I wonder if he died from loss of blood.