Posted by DSG on Feb. 25, 2006, 8:57 p.m.

<b> <big><big><big><big><big><big>DARKBLOG II</big></big></big></big></big></big></b>

<b> <big><big>64 DIGITS COMMUNITY</big></big></b>

64 DIGITS: yeah, alot of awesome new stuff like the badges and crap. but the warning system? eh im indifferent. ALSO, censorship. a girl in a bikini needs a link and cant be openly displayed… honestly, thats alittle… much. bikini… i mean, a thong is understandable and yeah but a bikini? if your offended by a bikini let me know. seriously, whats next? this blog getting deleted?

SPECTRE NECTAR: i heard he cuts himself… and that he died. any truth to any of that?

ARBY'S: one fine fastfood establishment. i get a number 11 almost always there. i have one now lol

ME: most people assume every1 here is a nerd or atleast unpopular. well, thats not the case with me. i have tons of friends, i am friends with alot of popular people, noone thinks of me as a nerd or a "dork" (do u even know what a dork is??? like, originally? its a whales… well, y dont u google it) yeah. and, not 2 sound concieted but people say i look like this dude Drake Bell only alittle younger (this dude: <img src="http://www.marvelfamily.com/images/castingcall/Bell_Drake.jpg">) …yup appearently girls like em… and me lol

BADGES: yay… 6 lol

<b> <big><big>CURRENT EVENTS</big></big></b>

IRAN: dude were in a pickle w/iran and there nuclear program. they might attack isreal and even though they say its just for energy, well, i doubt that. the leader is crazy, too. go read about him.

<img src="http://www.fewings.ca/2004/optimized/040730Iran.jpg">

<img src="http://thedailynews.com/cartoons/cartoo3.gif">

CHINA: theyre taking over the world!! DO YOU KNOW HOW POWERFUL THEY ARE??

(another cartoon)

<img src="http://www.onemanbandwidth.com/wordpress/wp-content/greatwallmart.gif">


darksirrus, signing off


MahFreenAmeh 19 years ago

Now everyone has to steal my idea for Current Events? TT.TT

melee-master 19 years ago


SPECTRE NECTAR: i heard he cuts himself… and that he died. any truth to any of that?

Sad thing is, that sounds like it could easily be true. =(


I think the warning system is in because the forum is almost done, and maybe they're going to annouce it on the GMC soon. (which means I'll have a whole load of games to verify, and the risk of getting a virus on my computer is greater XD).

Requiem 19 years ago

Really, the warning system is just here because flashback got bored.

Alpha Man 19 years ago

And we all know how Flashback is when he is bored…

SleepinJohnnyFish 19 years ago

Now everyone has to steal my idea for Current Events? TT.TT

wtf? You stole the idea of having your own blog from ludamad

firestormx 19 years ago

I feel that people are too liberal these days. Especialy with sex stuff.

I mean, they can take a naked lady, turn her sideways, put her finger over her nipple, and sell it to an 8 year old. wtf.

I'm just doin' my part to be more conservative.

Who's starting these rumours about spectre? XD

And it always makes me laugh when someone joins a computer-oriented site, and claims to not be a nerd.

Maxcore 19 years ago

Im not a nerd. I am just interested in computers. They consume a lot of my time, but I still hang out with my girlfriend, and my friends all the time.

DSG 19 years ago

who the hell keeps deleteing my comments!!!

Kenon 19 years ago

Well… if I remember.. You posted Porn once…….

DSG 19 years ago