Posted by DSG on Feb. 25, 2006, 8:57 p.m.

<b> <big><big><big><big><big><big>DARKBLOG II</big></big></big></big></big></big></b>

<b> <big><big>64 DIGITS COMMUNITY</big></big></b>

64 DIGITS: yeah, alot of awesome new stuff like the badges and crap. but the warning system? eh im indifferent. ALSO, censorship. a girl in a bikini needs a link and cant be openly displayed… honestly, thats alittle… much. bikini… i mean, a thong is understandable and yeah but a bikini? if your offended by a bikini let me know. seriously, whats next? this blog getting deleted?

SPECTRE NECTAR: i heard he cuts himself… and that he died. any truth to any of that?

ARBY'S: one fine fastfood establishment. i get a number 11 almost always there. i have one now lol

ME: most people assume every1 here is a nerd or atleast unpopular. well, thats not the case with me. i have tons of friends, i am friends with alot of popular people, noone thinks of me as a nerd or a "dork" (do u even know what a dork is??? like, originally? its a whales… well, y dont u google it) yeah. and, not 2 sound concieted but people say i look like this dude Drake Bell only alittle younger (this dude: <img src="http://www.marvelfamily.com/images/castingcall/Bell_Drake.jpg">) …yup appearently girls like em… and me lol

BADGES: yay… 6 lol

<b> <big><big>CURRENT EVENTS</big></big></b>

IRAN: dude were in a pickle w/iran and there nuclear program. they might attack isreal and even though they say its just for energy, well, i doubt that. the leader is crazy, too. go read about him.

<img src="http://www.fewings.ca/2004/optimized/040730Iran.jpg">

<img src="http://thedailynews.com/cartoons/cartoo3.gif">

CHINA: theyre taking over the world!! DO YOU KNOW HOW POWERFUL THEY ARE??

(another cartoon)

<img src="http://www.onemanbandwidth.com/wordpress/wp-content/greatwallmart.gif">


darksirrus, signing off


ludamad 19 years ago


wtf? You stole the idea of having your own blog from ludamad

Korberos concurs! I made up the concept of the blog! XD