Posted by DSG on Feb. 28, 2006, 10:13 p.m.


<b><big><big>DARK BLOG IV</big></big></b>



honestly, this mod stuff is seriously pissing me off

ITS A BLOG!! A DAMN BLOG!! a blog is 4 w/e, no matter how worthess or stupid. PEOPLE DONT HAVE 2 READ IT!! SO WHAT IF BLOGS ARE JUST CRAPPY AND STUPID?? honestly, i dont give a rats ass about noobish blogs. not my problem. id rather have no limits and same 4 the rest of 64D than this!! its total bull!! i dont understand why every new mod has 2 be controlling!!


i find this site alot less attractive. firestormx, canadonian, 4 the love of god stop this nonsense!! i come here alot less now


(my last blog)

Ive made a few changes. Now, it counts down from 3 instead of 5. and the game have voice acting : ) I also added an experimental page on my site (if anyone cares)

EDIT BY LUDAMAD: Please stop the one liners, or I'll go warn happy on your warn meter.


and another: alot of voice acting have replaced the text sound fx

wait, u are going 2 warn me…. bc my blog is alittle short… ? wtf?? isnt the warning system 2 warn people who offent others?? AND UR USING IT TO THREATEN ME AND MY BLOG LENGTH!!??


ludamad 19 years ago

Uhh, come on darksirrus. You complain too much, and no one cares if you boycott the site.

ludamad 19 years ago

BTW, i get my behaviour checked by fsx. He approves what I do. -_-

DSG 19 years ago

hey. be alittle more tolerant of others and ill shut up

ludamad 19 years ago

Expand on that?

DSG 19 years ago

like… u said u were gonna warn me bc my post is short. does that make sence 2 u??? mayb if u find a shord blog dont like edit it but leave a post saying that u discourage short blogs or something.

ludamad 19 years ago

Look, you consistently post blogs that are just about game updates. I need you to stop. I mean, game updates are fine, but c'mon, put more substance.

ludamad 19 years ago

The big problem with small blogs is that it pushes other blogs that took more time so i uncheck em

DSG 19 years ago

… i understand. ill do that. i guess im in a bad mood. sorry if i got too pissed ive been under alot of stress

DSG 19 years ago


ludamad 19 years ago

Its ok, and to these people afraid of warn, right now mods are adding and taking away warn like nothing, so you probably wont be stuck with it for long. I mean biggmax is at no warn and now zagster is at 1. Heh, when you're banned you have 10 warn. It could also be seen that when you have 10 warn you are banned.