DARK BLOG VII (frickin disturbing!)

Posted by DSG on April 6, 2006, 4:30 p.m.

<center>D A R K - - - B L O G - - - V I I</center>

Hey, loyal fans

DISTURBING crap i found out about my X

(nort proud… i was trying not 2 b shallow and ive learned WHEN IT COMES TO IT ITS BAD TO DATE A GIRL THAT ISNT PRETTY TO YOU!!! immoral, mean? NO because thats what a gf is about. i mean if there cool, then they can b a freind!!! ok? make sence? if its a GIRLFREIND, its more than freinds, as in more than freindship (sexual attraction). make sence? i hope so.)

she… oh god get this… SHE… u no, bc of language content, <a href="http://64digits.com/users/DarkSirrusGames/DISTURBING_.zip"> "click here"</a>

WTF? honestly, thats just flat out RETARDED!!! (can i say that here?) <b>Mod edit: Yes you can, just don't use it in a bad way. Try to not overuse it either.</b>

STARBURST NAUTICA - gonna be fricken AWESOME!!! will post screens… soon mayb

SKETCHED - hmmm….. still workin on it!!! need a stroy line tho! HELP ME OUT!!! u no my email. if not, darksirrusgaming@hotmail.com

well, thats about it




I'm… Not understanding what's wrong with all this.


You're going to have to explain it to me. I guess it's because i'm just retard.


It's bad to date a girl that isn't pretty?


A girlfriend is basically about finding a person who will accept you for who you are, who is nice to you, and who you like, not how they look.

- KINDA. but, thats more of a freind. u dont have to date her just bc shes cool AND a girl…

You think cavemen debased people off of looks?

- DUH its nateral attraction

Animals don't, so why should you?

- BUNNIES DONT THINK LIKE HUMANS… THEY ARE NOT SELECTIVE. oh and this really good study ANIMALS DO JUDGE ON APPEARENCE!!! they had a bunch of parrots and they were all healthy for sex. they all got along and all had equal shares of each other… but later, they discolored SOME OF them like wings and stuff making them asymetrical (not symetrical) and they ceased to have sex entirely except a few nd the ones who did have sex and had babies, the babies died younger because of neglect.

None of that makes sense to me at all, gonestly..



OK well, what i mean is, maybe im just shallow but im not as happy with an unattractive girl. honestly, whats so bad about that? a gf and bf relationship is more than a freindship and ABOUT more than a freindship. THATS WHY ITS NOT A FREINDSHIP, ITS A RELATIONSHIP.

based on your logic, its dating because the other is of the opposite sex.

and dont get me started on TRUE LOVE. its real but its just so unlikely to ever find



DSG 18 years, 11 months ago

whoa dude. gamehawk, right on thats totally true "And Hentai is just messed up, and it's sad if you're girlfriend is surfing porn instead of being with you. BTW I think all Anime is stupid."

i dont think anime is stupid, but its WAY too overrated. its just a form of animation from japan. big whoop. THATS ALL IT IS

also, dude, if shes horny enough to see naked cartoons, that means YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO SERIOUSLY SCORE

MahFreenAmeh 18 years, 11 months ago

Yeah, i know that, Satellite Radio.

She's told me on several occasions.

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years, 11 months ago

MFA says that he doesn't care about looks because his girlfriend is ugly.

…that is…. if he has a girlfriend, which I somehow doubt…

…but it would make sense that if he did, she'd have to look at porn to be in any way entertained while with him.


And there is nothing wrong with liking a girl based on looks. Currently I am dating a girl for the most part because of how cute she is. I don't expect any long future with it, I just enjoy it as it is right now, and that is fine. DarkSirius is in highschool I presume, so it is all the more evident for him, because that is what highschool is all about if you had any life at all (that is why MFA can';t understand it, obviously)

On the opposite hand, I am also seeing a girl not based on looks, but mroe based on an attraction I have to her personality. I understand that dating based on personality is all good, but don't for one second deny a person the right to judge based on looks. The only reason people look down upon this is because they are lonely and ugly and don't want to think for one second that the two things are related.

…and to make things clear, cavemen did, in fact, base sexual desire on looks and physical stature. During nomadic times, it was not at all unusual for the women to be raped based on their looks in camps with more attractive women in them being ransacked. They have found evidence of this before. Try not to make analogies that are completely and utterly wrong.

DSG 18 years, 11 months ago

HAHAHA dude koberos thats exactly what im trying to say! u nailed it lol and yeah highschool - sophomore

Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 11 months ago

"also, its a girl, btw. not many girls look at cartoon porn. its, just unclean, immoral, and i honestly believe its wrong" This I must disagreee on…. even though yes I know it's you're opinion……….. just because we're girls, doesn't make it "unclean" for us to look at ANY type of porn. ESPECIALLY if it's cartoons….we're not even looking at real bodies =/

Girls can be just as unclean and immoral as men can =P

Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 11 months ago

And and and about the whole attraction thing…. Everyone bases some thing on looks…. Even if you do find "the right one" someone you stay with for a long time, you love their personality, or whatever but on some level you're still looking for appearance. And what may be an "unattractive girl" to one guy, maybe be fine as hell to another :3 Same for girls… unless you're just…. as fishyman said…. enjoying it…. you don't base ENTIRELY on looks… but that's still somewhere in there. Eet happens naturaly anyway…. even if you don't realize it.

Weee meaningless blabber…. shhh it makes sense in my head

Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 11 months ago

Why does everyone make such a big deal of hentai?! If anything you'd think hentai would be better than porn since you're not even looking at REAL BODIES….so in a way it's not all dirty or whatever. I really don't see why everybody says it's "sad" or "stupid" or whatever else you may call it….. it's just…drawn porn. AND by having it drawn you can bring your fantasies to life more than just having to deal with REAL people where you're limited.

"also, dude, if shes horny enough to see naked cartoons, that means YOU HAVE A CHANCE TO SERIOUSLY SCORE"

That was just… horny enough to see naked cartoons? Everyone sees it so wrong or w/e to look at DRAWN THINGS…. yet they find it perfectly ok at looking at other people having sex… really really don't see how that adds up. Just because she looks at hentai doesnt make her easy =/ That's pretty much saying anyone horny enough to watch porn is easy to get to…. soooo that would include pretty much everyone on the planet. Not to be mean sirrus but that was just…kinda…careless (for a lack of better word) to say.

Pandaroo_Fang 18 years, 11 months ago

"not many girls look at cartoon porn."

ONE MORE THING… >.> that's not true. Just because you don't see them doing it, catch them doing it and they don't tell you…. it NO WAY IN HELL means they don't do it. :3

melee-master 18 years, 11 months ago


MFA says that he doesn't care about looks because his girlfriend is ugly.

…that is…. if he has a girlfriend, which I somehow doubt…

…but it would make sense that if he did, she'd have to look at porn to be in any way entertained while with him.

You do not need to be saying these kind of things, especially for no reason. It only makes things worse, tightening the tension between you and MFA.


Anyways, what's so disgusting about hentai? Are you a kindergartner who thinks such mere things as kissing is disgusting? Of course, it is your personal opinion, and I won't argue it.

ludamad 18 years, 11 months ago

Ok, here comes the LudaOpinion:

-Girls that like anime tend to be at least comfortable with looking at hentai, most anime shows have some degree of nudity

-Attraction is evident in all animals

-The first thing you see is the how the person looks, and first impressions tend to stick

-Hentai is a bit more disturbing because it is unnatural, you aren't looking at real bodies and that's what sort of makes it sickening. Along with the fact that cartoons are associated with childhood here, and that very often hentai has very young underage girls being depicted in sexual acts.