[DSG] You're not going to believe this...

Posted by DSG on Jan. 26, 2008, 6:23 p.m.


My councelor at my school told me at the end of 1st semester that if I passed all the classes I'm taking THIS semester then I'd graduate.

But no. I get a note, telling me to see my councelor. They told me I'm A CREDIT SHORT.


unorganized bastards. What's the consequence? I EITHER HAVE TO:

a] Take ANOTHER YEAR of high school [i'm a senior] or…

b] Take 2 classes of summer school. [6 weeks of my summer.]

Yea. It's like that. FCUK.




Holy shit. I've found a few awesome bands. for one, OTEP

also, a few others like THE AGONY SCENE and ILL NINO

what else…


making progress =D thats good news.


HI! uhm… so I have a ton of cool ideas for ILL. it just bugs the hell out of me that I'm already commited to CRIMSON STAR. These are REALLY cool ideas. Ahhhhhh shit.

Anywho, OH lol i got an N64 rom. finally. I'm jst hanging out playing F-Zero X on my computer lol

You know who else is cool besides Otep or Agony Scene? MISERY SIGNALS.

sounds emo. fucking… NOT. its metalcore. betch.


like I said, making progress w/crimson star. ALSO

…………ALSO I'm working on a website right now. It's cool. =D


DSG 17 years, 1 month ago

@ ChIkEn: Eat me. I own you in game design.

DSG 17 years, 1 month ago

@ SleepinJohnnyFish: That comment would hurt if i could get past the pathetic fact that u have a yu-gi-oh icon. That's pathetic, how fucking old ARE you, 8? bitch.

Cesar 17 years, 1 month ago

8/10 hardest high school in the US are in Texas

poultry 17 years, 1 month ago

@DSG - No, you eat me in graphics, you can't fucking make a game past the menu screen. You're just an idiot that is too stupid to do his work, instead you are too occupied with trying to get a hard on

poultry 17 years, 1 month ago

@DSG: Eat me. I own you in coding, logic, mathmatics, ability to graduate highschool in 4 years, and I could go on for hours.

Good job


Anywho, OH lol i got an N64 rom. finally. I'm jst hanging out playing F-Zero X on my computer lol


Also, how would you know that is yu-gi-oh? You obviously collect those little cards with your friends if you know what it is.

Go play with your little yu-gi-oh cardz, fool.

SleepinJohnnyFish 17 years, 1 month ago

@DSG - I partially lol'd at the "hardest high schools in the country" line, considering I'm in one of the top 5 highest rated Game Design courses in the entire world, but aside from that, the comment on my icon is completely obsurd. How does the fact that you're too lazy or incompetent to do the work that plenty of others do get derailed by a single interest of mine? It was a nice try, but you're still worthless in comparison to the leagues of students who did what they were supposed to do and passed.

Just take some fucking responsibility and accept the task given to you. Don't bitch about it on the internet just so that children will tell you you're right when you obviously aren't.

DSG 17 years, 1 month ago

@ChIkEn: Get ready to eat your words =]

DSG 17 years, 1 month ago

@SJF: Cute. Really cute. You actually took the time to do that. Can't believe you're still throwing a little bitch fit about that. Again, grow up.

DSG 17 years, 1 month ago


OBELISK 17 years, 1 month ago

Some people (like me) don't have the ability to get extremely high grades. And DSG probably would pass senior year had it not been for his schedule. Lay off him.