[DSG] You're not going to believe this...

Posted by DSG on Jan. 26, 2008, 6:23 p.m.


My councelor at my school told me at the end of 1st semester that if I passed all the classes I'm taking THIS semester then I'd graduate.

But no. I get a note, telling me to see my councelor. They told me I'm A CREDIT SHORT.


unorganized bastards. What's the consequence? I EITHER HAVE TO:

a] Take ANOTHER YEAR of high school [i'm a senior] or…

b] Take 2 classes of summer school. [6 weeks of my summer.]

Yea. It's like that. FCUK.




Holy shit. I've found a few awesome bands. for one, OTEP

also, a few others like THE AGONY SCENE and ILL NINO

what else…


making progress =D thats good news.


HI! uhm… so I have a ton of cool ideas for ILL. it just bugs the hell out of me that I'm already commited to CRIMSON STAR. These are REALLY cool ideas. Ahhhhhh shit.

Anywho, OH lol i got an N64 rom. finally. I'm jst hanging out playing F-Zero X on my computer lol

You know who else is cool besides Otep or Agony Scene? MISERY SIGNALS.

sounds emo. fucking… NOT. its metalcore. betch.


like I said, making progress w/crimson star. ALSO

…………ALSO I'm working on a website right now. It's cool. =D


poultry 17 years, 1 month ago

Oh bull, DSG slacked and you know it.

OBELISK 17 years, 1 month ago

I can't say much, being a slacker myself.

DSG 17 years, 1 month ago

@Obelisk: thanxs bro =] I appreciate the support. It's true, My councelor told me that The schedual I had prepared would fill the requirements and now, when it's too late… I find out she makes a mistake and forgot to mention the credits that weren't added to my schedual.

@SJF: I have a great comeback. But I'm above that kind of childish bullshit. Unlike you.

SleepinJohnnyFish 17 years, 1 month ago

It's not that you're above it, you just don't have a comeback because you know I'm correct. You're ashamed of yourself, so you deleted my comments and even a few of your own. Smooth move, kid.

Also http://64digits.com/users/index.php?userid=SleepinJohnnyFish&cmd=comments&id=23727

DSG 17 years, 1 month ago

keep it up prick.

Alert Games 17 years, 1 month ago

god damn. will you guys just shut the fuck up already? you are pathetic if you are making fun of dsg just to try to make yourself look like you actually have some importance or something.

and if you would read carefully to the blog, you will see that the counselor told him he was fine.