I'll just leave it at CRIMSON STAR. :D AND there is a new logo that is very sexy. SORRY THE "R" IS SO DRAMATICALLY STYLIZED.[EDIT:]When I get home, I'll space the letters and change the R like so:AND!Sorry it's alittle dark, I'll fix that.SIZE ISSUES - - - Jk. There are none. Crimson Star.gmk in all its greatness is only currently 7.54 MB. INCLUDING THE AUDIO AND EXTERNAL FILES, it's 103.42 MB[EDIT:]YAY OGG AND SUPERSOUND SYSTEM DLL!COMPLETION - - - We're below 15% overall, but that's a rough estimate.Release Date? We might be looking at LATE 2009.OTHER NEWS - - - I'm SERIOUS about making this a quality game.I mean, check out that third screen… I spent like, an HOUR making the explosions realistic and eye-catching while dynamic and low-demand. That's a GOOD LOOKING EXPLOSION.Also, the night/day engine looks FLAWLESS as you can see in a few screens.[EDIT:]LUCKY YOU. VIDEO!!
SCREENS - - - and the new logo :D!… :DPROGRESS - - - + Storm Engine and Realistic Lightening+ Progress on weapons design+ Chapter 1 Story COMPLETEDJOURNAL ENTRY - - - I'm currently in class and forgot my pencil so I'm just going to type my journal entry here. The prompt is asking if I think we live in a voilent society.I'd say we live in a society where violence is repressed and leads to perversion. We try to keep ultra-violent videogames off the shelves and any Blockbuster employee will ask for I.D. When anyone attempts to rent a violent horror movie. In the mainstream's eye, violence is something nobody likes and is something we like to ignore and avoid. Because violence and dipictions of violence specifically are repressed, they lead to perversions and have fostered a counter-culture of horror movie buffs.THANKS
And yeah, we live in quite the violent society. Damn 13 year-old brother threatened me with a butcher knife and gave me a nice cut when I tell him to quiet down and stop cussing at his game. >_< So yeah, violent_society=true
Also, you should give the source to someone experienced with a real programming language after it's finished, so he would rewrite it in a real programming language, so more computers can handle the graphics. Because I am not sure what the fps would be like on my computer ;)
And yeah, we live in quite the violent society. Damn 13 year-old brother threatened me with a butcher knife and gave me a nice cut when I tell him to quiet down and stop cussing at his game.
…As soon as I get home anyway… I'm in class right now ^^
Where the crap did I put that thing…
Well crap, YYG deleted my GMFLAC topic. And it's not on GMClans.Super Sound System DLL: http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=120034
Thanks for the link. I have it and I'm instituting it now :]
Do want demo naow. D:
And yeah, we live in quite the violent society. Damn 13 year-old brother threatened me with a butcher knife and gave me a nice cut when I tell him to quiet down and stop cussing at his game. >_< So yeah, violent_society=true*cough*
VIDEO ME.but van, we already knew aura was violent. He calls us fags for owning him in SnY or ST >_>
Also, you should give the source to someone experienced with a real programming language after it's finished, so he would rewrite it in a real programming language, so more computers can handle the graphics. Because I am not sure what the fps would be like on my computer ;)
I hope you arent loading all the stuff into the memory :D