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Brighter and sharper, new HUD, ghost mode is fully operational, and you can now kneel and strafe. Question though, what should I put in the blackness? I thought of huge buried greyscale statues or maybe just make it look like dirt? or what? What would be aesthetically pleasing, AND logical?
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1. Make this game and make sure it's good
2. ???3. ProfitBurn someone with this game!
Sorry, but what's the POINT of the black areas? To me it looks like you're just extending borders of the rooms with blackness unnecessarily, unless it plays some role (like having multiple rooms in one area and switching between which one of them is visible).
Edit: If anything, I'd be for Avenger's ideas. In dark greyscale :DI think you should leave it like it is. It would make the title depths even more fitting.
That aside, I think you should use a less alien-ish font for text like 'pause'. The dots make it confusing.I don't like the way the hud looks in dark areas. :(
The blackness should definately be replaced with something, but dependant upon the enviroment. If it's that area with the trees and such, make it dirt with occasional vines creeping in and out. If it's a temple, old dilapatated bricks should do. Y'know, stuff you would expect a wall to be made of. But if you're inside a building or something, the darkness seems appropriate. But if you're outside, yeah.
I preferred it when it was Crimson Star and you didn't mess with the graphics so much. :(
@cesque because he needs different backgrounds and it's hard to change them when they are parallaxed!! sorta like in metroid
looks amazing dude. just make sure it leads to having nice puzzles and things to collect to keep you interested in each level.