Seriously, I love how depths is looking. OH MAN, you don't get it. It's finally COMPLETELY RIGHT. it FINALLY looks perfect to me. FINALLY. I don't have any problem with either the ruins OR the maibuu rainlands environments!! OH WAIT YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE NEW RAINLANDS! [the green rocky treeish areas, duh.]
uhh….mmm.screens.[DSG] - Yea, I'm excited.
Posted by DSG on June 14, 2010, 12:28 a.m.
Black-rocked canyons in a hot desert area, with elements looking a bit like ice.
A cavern complex which actually floats on lava or something, causing it to rotate, causing the stalactites to have bends. Mountains in the air. A secret area where an advanced civilization once settled, consisting of lots of machinery - perhaps steam-punkish.An impacted moon. The inside of a giant frozen tree. An area covered with a goo that conducts… On top of that the creatures there are electric. A submerged city.….creative and original you say?
well i've always liked when events modify the environment in-game, like when the forest catches fire at the start of Sonic 3. i see a kind of dusty shanty town that keeps getting changed by earthquakes.if it's just creative areas you want though, maybe moving around in/on a giant plane or boat, or living creature. or maybe an exceptionally dark and scary forest, something that contrasts with most other areas. maybe a farm of strange and fantastic creatures.I think some architecture like that in Saint Chapelle would be stunning in your style with all the blindingly lit stain glass windows. Maybe even mix it in with Middle Eastern architecture. Hell, fuse Middle Eastern architecture with a bunch of other architectural styles.
A skyscraper with trees growing out of it, idk, something cool like that.
Very nice as always, DSG.
Maybe these images will inspire some ideas? -'s mostly pixelart.It's hard to be creative when pretty much every possible option has been done. When it comes to areas theres really not too much more you can do with the basic description.
A frozen underwater city atop an underwater volcano that eventually becomes melted with a giant squid guardian… As it turns out, its all a hologram produced by a machine under the volcano which is under the water, where there exists an extensive series of tunnels created by futuristic people or aliens. * combined several ideas into one. Make it nao? :-)
I think I'll actually take that advice :] a submerged city would be awesome! Like the ruins, only with some rock structures and underwater plants and enemies! I already have water and swimming programmed so it sould be cool :]
Ohandbytheway, please don't try to make the fonts too fancy - we still want to be able to read everything.