WANNA TALK NEW GRAPHICS? look at my banner. that's the new background for the ruun temple. ;] IT TOOK LIKE, 2.5 HOURS to pixel that shit.
NEW SCREENS!! These are screens of the Ruun Temple without the sick new background

EVEN NEWER SCREENS!! These are screens of the Ruun Temple WITH the sick new background <3

So, Theres the main ruins [regular ruins], the Ruun Temple [jungle ruins], the Kaibuu Temple [snowy/icy ruins] and the Sacred Temple [might not keep it]
We've also got the Maibuu Sandlands, that would look like the Maibuu Rainlands as far as layout with color palette/tile set/other look differences… I was thinking of making the Sandlands HALF like the original plan and HALF ruins, and all together get rid of the main ruins… So, I suppose I want to just combine the Main Ruins with the Maibuu Sandlands. Hmm… good/bad idea? I CANT DECIDE, BUT I THINK I'M GONNA GO FOR IT.
So, FINAL MAP CONCEPT so you can see how I imagine it [sorry it's ugly]

ALSO, there's a holy sky temple where you go to battle the deities. woo. good idea??
I ALSO WANTED TO ASK, should there be SECRET LEVELS? disguss.
Don't tell him ANYTHING IS REMOTELY WRONG WITH ANYTHING. He'll restart it D=
Looks good but seems to be hard to spot out where the characters are.