[DSG] - Progress:10.27.10 UPDATED

Posted by DSG on Oct. 26, 2010, 5:56 a.m.


Well, a lot is new.

-Re-designed the water, too look more fluid, to blend in to more environments, to sparkle differently in different lighting, and it's also a bit darker looking.

TWO new environments.

I gave the Maibuu Rainlands a make-over, new lighting and tile schemes. Also, I had this idea for a "redlands" kind of area. I'm not sure what good it is, but it looks awfully pretty and it adds a little diversity. I understand that the backgrounds are similar with different colors, is that so bad? honestly? I'll likely re-make the redlands background, if I even have a place for the redlands. PLEASE POST YOUR OPINIONS, THEY INFLUENCE THE DIRECTION OF THE GAME.

UPDATE: 1 day's progress with the rainlands:

MORE NEW SHIT, made more tiles [the viney rocky arches, the overgrown broken tower, the massive stone colomns, etc]

I was also working on new enemies.

Made a few little changes to the story.

I added more to the game-play, so when a major section of game-play is done, I'll post it but at some point I'll have to keep all that a secret.


DSG 14 years, 4 months ago

I'll be releasing another game-play video soon :p

DSG 14 years, 4 months ago

Crimson Star had a few cool ideas, but looks like a complete graphical mess of unorganized, disconnected tiles and awkward black negative space everywhere.

melee-master 14 years, 4 months ago

Looks fucking amazing.

Bryan 14 years, 4 months ago

Just make the damned game already.