[DSG] phone blog

Posted by DSG on Nov. 14, 2010, 10:19 p.m.

yep, my lame phone is just barely capable of accessing the internet. yep. Well, anyway, just wanted to get some ideas down that I'd like to hear your input on.

I had the idea to make upgrades for ghost mode. If you recall, the ghost is tethered to a ghost hook and must remain within a certain radius of that hook. What do you think of collectible expansions that increase the radius of the hook?

Another idea i had was some kind of secondary weapon, I just dont want it to be missiles or bombs. So, any ideas? It would be sick to have a charge beam, but, well… you know. Metroid. So… any ideas? maybe some kind of energized malee style attack? Perhaps some khnd of attraction beam… thing.

Any ideas?


Quietus 14 years, 3 months ago

in b4 dual wielding

Alert Games 14 years, 3 months ago

triple wielding. errr

id say maybe a heat seeking kind of device, however it would have to be somewhat weaker or else its overpowering.

so a tractor beams seems pretty cool.

Maybe a melee weapon that can also deflect projectiles sometimes.

OBELISK 14 years, 3 months ago

I think we talked about this a long time ago on Facebook, but I still like the melee weapon idea.

The question is keeping such a thing original.

Castypher 14 years, 3 months ago

There is nothing original these days. Everything has been done or thought of before. The reason we have cliches, tropes, etc, is because they are all things that have worked and still work today. Even if you think an idea is original, the concept probably isn't.

So instead of wasting time trying to think of something completely original, build on your idea, have underused themes/concepts, and show them in a way that's fun and innovative. Welcome to the world of game design.

MMOnologueguy 14 years, 3 months ago


KaBob799 14 years, 3 months ago

Nobody said they were?

Moikle 14 years, 3 months ago

you could have it so you could pick up things and use them as melee weapons.

Alert Games 14 years, 3 months ago

Yeah, you cant really be completely original anymore, BUT you can be innovative. And this project really seems pretty innovative, but mostly because of the story/style.

But I showed my friend this who is a fan of metroid, and he said he would really want to play this when it is done. So it does seem pretty original if people want to play it. (especially cause he's a gamer and has seen many games.)

V 14 years, 3 months ago

Send out projections of yourself performing different attacks. With the ghost mode thing and all, it seems like it'd work.

Alert Games 14 years, 3 months ago

@V: maybe if it was very fast and you attacked right after. Id rather not have this be another 'time-warp' game haha.