[DSG] phone blog

Posted by DSG on Nov. 14, 2010, 10:19 p.m.

yep, my lame phone is just barely capable of accessing the internet. yep. Well, anyway, just wanted to get some ideas down that I'd like to hear your input on.

I had the idea to make upgrades for ghost mode. If you recall, the ghost is tethered to a ghost hook and must remain within a certain radius of that hook. What do you think of collectible expansions that increase the radius of the hook?

Another idea i had was some kind of secondary weapon, I just dont want it to be missiles or bombs. So, any ideas? It would be sick to have a charge beam, but, well… you know. Metroid. So… any ideas? maybe some kind of energized malee style attack? Perhaps some khnd of attraction beam… thing.

Any ideas?


DSG 14 years ago

Innovative ideas, everyone :] keep the ideas coming this is good stuff