Dark Sirrus, Dead

Posted by DSG on May 8, 2006, 9:20 p.m.

yeah. pretty much.

God damnit, im in so much trouble bc of a mix of my grades and my moms frickin menopause. Ive lost my phone, my ipod, tv/computer (im doing homework on my dads computer) and get this: my parents have stopped giving me lunch money. I have 2 eat when I get home (around 4:00) and I cant bring my lunch: we don’t have anything even close to edible around here…xcept mayb spagettios, but after I use this microwave in IC Café (there r 2 cafiterias n my school, IC café (in the information center… building w/foreign language and the library and tech centers) and the good café sponcered by this thing called DECA and they serve good food. Like, something youd get at a baseball consession stand or whatever… pizza, pretzels (the big kind) and stuff. Mc Donalds even in the morning) yeah the microwaves are like.. well conciter this. It’s a PUBLIC microwave. That’s vile. I mean for gods sake who knows what kinda bactirea is brewing in there?? Its never clean. Itll turn my spagettios into spaGHETTOS . Seriously!! Well, im on a time limit, g2 get back 2 hw. (LIFE FRICKEN SUX!!)

Well, I donno if it can get worse… military school?? Lmao wow that’s actually a possibility. Ive actually been doing my school work without missing anything so my parents have to bitch about how I USED to do. Oh and I don’t get a permit till I have b’s and above. IVE NEVER GOTTEN B’s and ABOVE.


Tasm 18 years, 10 months ago

wow, that is teh suxxors. I might be facing the same circumstances as you when my report card arrives this weekend. However, I've done rather well in biology, history, and math, so it might not be that bad. Those were my problem areas anyway.

DSG 18 years, 10 months ago

i swear to god, im so close do becoming depressed. im felling lonely and have little care for my own happyness or the world around me. i mean, im not like it all the time, but more often i feel like my life is just a bleak existance. and that… when i die… ill just be forgotten. noone will care about me. i was just another stranger… wierd when you think about it. how, after death you are cmpletely worthless and meaningless as very1 else just goes on with life. i want to make a difference and be remembered. its sad when u think about it.

DSG 18 years, 10 months ago

lol i cant talk 2day. so tired.

Tasm 18 years, 10 months ago

Ah… I want to say I disagree with you, but I can't honestly. I too have these depressing feelings every once in a while, actually becoming more frequent as I get older. I don't know what to make of it. Just try to think of all the good things you've done in your life. I, for instance, like to think about the time I kicked a kid in the balls for calling me a fag.

DSG 18 years, 10 months ago

lol. all im saying is life has just lost its innocent color and beauty and tranquility. remember when we were little and the sun always shined and it was always a good happy fun day? damn i miss those innocent days

Tasm 18 years, 10 months ago

Oh, those days…

But I suppose the time comes when the world around us becomes bleak and dark, and we must learn to live with it.

Anyway, I gotta go to bed (it's after mid night here). Take it easy :)

DSG 18 years, 10 months ago

later. yeah, its good and bad at the sme time. its strange looking back and now im grown up. 2 more years and im out on my own. i hope i can get a job as a game designer. u know u dont need collage nessesarily just skill and talent. hell, i might make it as an entrepeneur lol however thats a big investment. takes money 2 make money

DSG 18 years, 10 months ago

dont worry, im not going shawn64 on anyone. poor kid. i mean, he had his whole life ahead of him. i can only understand suicide if theres something internal you cant live with like a bad past or scarring experience but people who do it who hate there job or hate theyre life or w/e are pussies

DSG 18 years, 10 months ago

i mean something REALLY BAD

InTheDark 18 years, 10 months ago

That was deep Sirrius.

Good luck with your parents.

I leave you with a saying I have always lived with:

Lifes a bitch. Then you die.