Dark Sirrus, Dead

Posted by DSG on May 8, 2006, 9:20 p.m.

yeah. pretty much.

God damnit, im in so much trouble bc of a mix of my grades and my moms frickin menopause. Ive lost my phone, my ipod, tv/computer (im doing homework on my dads computer) and get this: my parents have stopped giving me lunch money. I have 2 eat when I get home (around 4:00) and I cant bring my lunch: we don’t have anything even close to edible around here…xcept mayb spagettios, but after I use this microwave in IC Café (there r 2 cafiterias n my school, IC café (in the information center… building w/foreign language and the library and tech centers) and the good café sponcered by this thing called DECA and they serve good food. Like, something youd get at a baseball consession stand or whatever… pizza, pretzels (the big kind) and stuff. Mc Donalds even in the morning) yeah the microwaves are like.. well conciter this. It’s a PUBLIC microwave. That’s vile. I mean for gods sake who knows what kinda bactirea is brewing in there?? Its never clean. Itll turn my spagettios into spaGHETTOS . Seriously!! Well, im on a time limit, g2 get back 2 hw. (LIFE FRICKEN SUX!!)

Well, I donno if it can get worse… military school?? Lmao wow that’s actually a possibility. Ive actually been doing my school work without missing anything so my parents have to bitch about how I USED to do. Oh and I don’t get a permit till I have b’s and above. IVE NEVER GOTTEN B’s and ABOVE.


DSG 18 years, 10 months ago


melee-master 18 years, 9 months ago


I, for instance, like to think about the time I kicked a kid in the balls for calling me a fag.


Rofl @ Ace… for… reasons…

poultry 18 years, 9 months ago

that is what you get for making fun of WV people.


DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

i honestly dont understand emos.

V 18 years, 9 months ago

neither do i, but you best get one of those anti-emo bracelets. u know, the ones with the leather or rubber. wear 'em so you can't cut yourself.