[DSG] So, Depths Dubstep?

Posted by DSG on Feb. 11, 2011, 7:50 a.m.

I'm thinking I wanna incorporate some atmospheric dubstep synths into the soundtrack. nothing like "why am I listening to dubstep this is a video game.", but more like "Oh hey, there's a little dubstep sounding stuff, kewlbeeeeeeeenz."

to give you an idea of the atmospheric dub im talking about, LISTEN TO THE DUBSTEP SONG I MADE ^^

[please, critique my music. I don't post all my work here just to showcase it, I want your feedback]

if you wanna be a douche, skip forward to right about 4 minutes in, and u'll hear it change and the dub gets all reverberated and what not.

Short blog, idgaf. i<3u 64D


The Avatrol 14 years ago


The Avatrol 14 years ago

i agree with sir Xemic. the snare is too loud and in your face and the background melody lost in the mix. i actually really like this, but the sound is overall to obtrusive for a game imo. the vocal sample is fucking awesome, again, but it would sort of take away from the mood of the game. where is the voice coming from? also, i love the dub step bass line (that is in every fucking dupstep song), but i feel as if its too distinctive, almost gimmicky even, and would take away from the flow/mood of the game.

that being said, i understand the appeal of this song for the game. it has that space station/alien/sci fi sound to it which def fits in with the style of your game.

maybe something similar but a little less dubstepish/in your face.

again this is just my opinion and regardless, i cant fucking wait to play your game. :)

DSG 14 years ago

@Avatrol: its not for the game lol

Misconstruct 14 years ago

it sucks donkey dicks, which leads me to believe that you suck donkey dicks. Do you suck donkey dicks?

Ferret 14 years ago

Regular gameplay needs soft ambiance music, you are platforming through old temples and for the most part the gameplay is calm and slow paced for exploration. Now if there is a boss or a reason for fast low toned sounds, dub step would work.

Edit: As for "atmospheric" dubstep, I just don't see it working, in fact I kinda liked the lack of music with the only sounds being your footsteps.

The Avatrol 14 years ago

He actually said for a boss battle, so something fast paced would be nice. By the way DSG, I admittedly didn't read through your post and missed the fact that YOU made the song. Despite the fact that I still disagree with the dubstep idea for the game, I want to add that I absolutely love the song! Awesome work! If you have more stuff, I would love to hear it! Didn't mean to come across as a jerk. :)

Alert Games 14 years ago

Humongous donky dick sucking is in question here by some.

But on a serious note, just because he put the song there and talked about dubstep in the game, does not imply that he would slap the bitch right in there and call it. I think parts of it would work really well in the game, given changes are made to not overpower the sound effects of the game itself.

also, how is the game coming?