[DSG] NEW DEPTHS: Video: 24 Days into Production

Posted by DSG on Dec. 6, 2011, 4:07 p.m.

Here's a new video of DEPTHS, this time I'm starting with the new Maibuu Rainlands.

Here's a demonstration of the new 3D and how I plan to use it. Also you can hear the beginnings of the new soundtrack with a rough draft of the music for the area, so please turn your speakers up and let me know what you think ;D

Also, a first look at the "possession" ability in ghost mode. You'll be able to possess objects to control them, and I plan to expand this concept to possess some enemies in the game for various purposes.

I also made the suit a bit darker and blacker looking, going back to that jet-lack color he used to have.


JuurianChi 13 years, 2 months ago

Daymn!(I'm not fucking Hip)

My word, sir!

That's awesome.

Rob 13 years, 2 months ago

i don't understand how you code difficult shit so fast

Guys. He just pretends to lose the source code multiple times so that he has an excuse for the ridiculous development time. No one could possibly be stupid enough to not back it up after losing it that many times.

Eva unit-01 13 years, 2 months ago

Ya know what, I actually thought that at first Rob. Like, maybe he just wanted to start the project over and used the loss of his project as a cover up.

Either that, or he's a god.

Cesque 13 years, 2 months ago

Wow, I… don't really like it how it looks.

The coding and the level design are brilliant, but I'm not a big fan of the graphics. The colour choice is horrible, and I can't tell if the background is supposed to be aurora borealis or a mangrove forest (I don't understand the vertical blur around the edges either) - in either case, the level feels like it's hanging in space rather than being set in a rainforest.

It's still better than anything I'd ever come up with, so I guess it may be my "fuck you, bring back the old Depths" syndrome.

DSG 13 years, 2 months ago

@Cesque: yea i agree the environment looks alittle floaty, alot of it is the flat 2D background that i managed to dig up from my file manager but thatll be replaced. And it looks so far away that it makes it look like theres a huge void between the foreground and the background. Ill be sure to add forest life thatll fill that void and a visible forest floor to tie it all together. Cesque, could you be more specific as to why you dont like the color scheme? I have yet to add any light and darkness effects that the old Depths had, and its lacking that dash of tangerine orange it used to have, also needs a wider spectrum of greens im sure, please, flood my blog with suggestions, mi amigos!

Eva unit-01 13 years, 2 months ago

You should try to use a realtime DoF (depth of field) effect, I think that'd look pretty awesome in this game.

Acid 13 years, 2 months ago

Bad first:

You should DEFINITELY tone down the "bounciness" of the bridge.

I don't like the idea of coins and the like because I feel that, at this point in gaming's history, they're pretty much gimmicks to keep the player playing and feeling like s/he is doing something. It's pretty cheap, bro. Unless there is a money system that you use to buy things… but that honestly doesn't make sense to me. I guess I'll have to see how the story pans out. Overall, in my opinion again, scrolls that unlock powers, secret coins that unlock bonuses (concept art/minigames/etc a la ratchet and clank), and the like are kinda cheap but okay, but just coins for the sake of coins is lame.

You really should fix that door! :P

Yeah, foregrounds need a little bit of touching up, but mainly the backgrounds aren't very good. Everything else is of great quality to me, but these backgrounds… eh.

The good now:

I love what you're doing and how depths has grown over the years. You are amazing man. Great job! The 3d looks better than I expected. Lots of people have said DS/PSP quality, and when it was full 2d, I thought it WAS pretty close. Then the beginnings of 3d were okay, but this stuff you're putting out now, while not perfect yet, is totally on it's way to being amazing.

Cesque 13 years, 2 months ago

Cesque, could you be more specific as to why you dont like the color scheme?

So far it's horribly bland - all structures are shades of black/grey (including the bridge), the trees and the background are green, and the flames are bright yellow, creating a weird contrast between those three colours. The light doesn't make too much sense either, the sky is pretty bright but the buildings are dark, and the shading doesn't correspond in any way to light sources (the foreground tree in the right area is a major offender - its bright side is facing the screen, and its dark side is facing the flame in the background).

And yeah, I think adding more vegetation and more shades could fix the problem. The old Depths was very good at a "lush forest" feeling (the 2d version, at least). You should also add trees around the edges of the gameplay area, so that the game doesn't feel like it's taking place in the void.

Also, what Acid said about coins.

Alert Games 13 years, 2 months ago

I agree with cesque here, but only because it doesnt look as good as the previous remake demo yet. The colors of last time were perfect, but i think the character, effects, and soundtrack are improvements!

I agree with toning down the bounciness of the bridge a little.

I think coins will be fine, but maybe like magic/power orbs instead? Its a futuristic game so coins shouldn't be a concern; seems out-of-place.

I disagree with scrolls being cheap. They detail parts of the story, and definitely are something i would look forward to gaining, especially with the cool effect in a previous video on the channel.

Everything else looks improved. Great work so far. be sure to post updates every so often

DSG 13 years, 2 months ago

The coins will be used to buy thiings from merchants in the game i.e. a boat guy will take a certain coin to give you a lift across a swamp, you can buy meaningless hats at a special hat store, random but fun crap.