[DSG] NEW DEPTHS: Video: 24 Days into Production

Posted by DSG on Dec. 6, 2011, 4:07 p.m.

Here's a new video of DEPTHS, this time I'm starting with the new Maibuu Rainlands.

Here's a demonstration of the new 3D and how I plan to use it. Also you can hear the beginnings of the new soundtrack with a rough draft of the music for the area, so please turn your speakers up and let me know what you think ;D

Also, a first look at the "possession" ability in ghost mode. You'll be able to possess objects to control them, and I plan to expand this concept to possess some enemies in the game for various purposes.

I also made the suit a bit darker and blacker looking, going back to that jet-lack color he used to have.


Alert Games 13 years, 2 months ago

I would ask more on how he makes those graphics so quick. x_x

DSG 13 years, 2 months ago

Well since youre all so curious lol its pretty simple. Its all drawn w primatives, and the coding for which ive written so that i can modify each primative by changing custom variables that ive initiated to describe particular qualities of each primative such as width, height, far z depth and close z depth, angle etc. After that i use the same code every time that actually draws each primative, in which is described mathmatically to translate those custom variables into actual values (im on my phone right now when i get home ill copypasta some code to show u what i mean) as for the color scheme i agree it needs some other colors but i think ill be using alot of neon orange glowing accents to some new plantlife, some gold on the archetecture, and some soft blues here and there. Im also working on some hot neonish firey pink glowing flowers that show up here and there. Also, the temples are supposed to be made of a black stone material. Also, theres gonna be lava here and there because theres gonna be volcanic stuff too, so there will be a rich contrast of luch wet rainforest and volcanic mountains and lava obsticles of some sort. But for right now its all up here in my head until i can get a more solid concept going. At that point, ill have a new video for you guys, hopefully with some more indoor looking areas as well.

OBELISK 13 years, 2 months ago

Dear lord, that bridge. That everything. This game has so much life to it already.

I want to see this on a 3DS.


Abes Odyssey, thats what it is.

Acid 13 years, 2 months ago

here and there

Astryl 13 years, 2 months ago

How in the fking hell, didn't you just start this? What are you..
Simple. Add 2 parts insane to 1 part coffee, stir in a bit of Midnight Oil and PRESTO.

I can create games overnight if needs be, and tech-demos too.

And DSG, that looks damned good.