Sketched - Need Input

Posted by DSG on May 15, 2006, 4:45 p.m.

OK well, the explorer guy, billy, can spend every level just avoiding enemies. how does he fight back?? oh and i might use the pencil-chalk thing but i dont really like it so much

maybe throwing something?? i need ideas


ALSO, (4got no one liners) how do i use ' move_contact_solid(dir,maxdist) ' but only to a specified object?? its really important. i need it for sketched.


Rez 18 years, 9 months ago

How bout you "erase" your enemies?

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

you have to consiter how it will look. what, is the dude gonna throw erasers?

elmernite 18 years, 9 months ago

White out bombs maybe? Sorry, it was the best I could come up with.

As for the code problem try making an if statement with this.

if place_meeting(x,y,obj) then


Josea 18 years, 9 months ago

what about being able to draw a circle arond the enemies to hook them into some kind of ball?

Like Yoshi Island :p

elmernite 18 years, 9 months ago

[off topic] Did I ever tell you your site is sweet![/off topic]

I hope the game works out It looks really cool.


DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

lol thnx

DSG 18 years, 9 months ago

oh nd i fixed it i said: collision w/OBlead - move to position (x,other.y-16) worked perfectly

KaBob799 18 years, 9 months ago

"Like Yoshi Island :p "

yoshi touch and go

firestormx 18 years, 9 months ago

Make it so you can draw an anvil, and have it fall on them. :o

Or, maybe you can have it so that the guy can draw pets (and you can evolve your pets with points. :o Like, start with a gerbal, then a cat, then a dog, then a LION) and they basically go in the direction you pointed them, and you have to draw the path for them (like what you do with the normal character) and you can like, have the enemies follow a path into a cage or soemthing, and have the pet walk into that catch and KILL THEM ALL.

*shrugs* That's probably more of a lemmmings style game.

What can the enemies do? Maybe you can figure out some way to use the pencil to reverse an enemy's attack. Like for example, if the enemies have guns, you could make it go into bullet time when you press a button, and you have to draw "deflective" walls in the path of the bullet, and the bullets bounce off the wall (which is basically just a little line in the path of the bullet) and you have to make them hit the enemy.

That might be hard to make fun (rather than frustrating) if there's more than one enemy at a time though.

cactus 18 years, 9 months ago

ALSO, (4got no one liners) how do i use ' move_contact_solid(dir,maxdist) ' but only to a specified object?? its really important. i need it for sketched.
Here's how you do it:

dir=(insert the direction here)
while !place_meeting(x,y, (your object here) ) or i<200

Good luck with the game!