games: legal protection without patent?

Posted by DSG on July 5, 2006, 10:34 p.m.

Sorry… lots of blogs… i deleted 1 so i could free up space…. this is my 4th 1 today? spaced out alot tho… hmmm….


YEAH! i think i know a way of how to protect a game without a patent:


they have lots of power, u no. type a user agreement a person must click "i have read and fully understood, and agreed to the user agreement" to before playing a game saying thay cannot in any way reproduce, duplicate, or steal any aspect of the game and blah blah blah etc etc etc….

WHAT DO YOU THINK?? a good way to protect something atleast until a game gets patented??

i donno if USER AGREEMENTS actually need to be verified by law… as far as i no there is no legal paperwork but breeching a user agreement is grounds for sueing someone in a court


Cesar 18 years, 8 months ago

mail yourself a letter with an original copy of the game (.gm6), if somebody steals it, then you have that to proclaim that it's your idea… but send like 5 letters at once…

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

…? what do u mean?

Cesar 18 years, 8 months ago

mail yourself an original copy of the game, if somebody steals your game, then you have the letter with the date stamped on the letter that it is your idea. send 5 letter at once so you have more than 1 letter to prove it was your idea…

DSG 18 years, 8 months ago

…. ok cool that would work lol very unconventional but interesting

noshenim 18 years, 7 months ago

I'm gonna see if that really works.