[DSG] Yes, I am still working on DEPTHS [Progress]

Posted by DSG on May 9, 2012, 4:53 p.m.

Well, there's much to talk about. The story is completed from beginning to end, and all the game is planned out. Now all that's left is pulling it all together. One thing I've been trying to make is a good looking day/night engine. Finally, I have made one. This is the first landing site in GOMAR. a few walls are missing, I'm doing some remodeling.

Click for full size:


Unfortunately, It will take time to convert the old stuff to be compatible, but no biggie.

Also, Here's a world map with the 8 power-ups granted to you by each god boss.

Also, here's a full list of the 8 Gods and their full descriptions:

-Dashu: Androgynous - First of the seven corrupted gods. Dashu is the god of enlightenment, the spirit, knowledge, and reverence. Grants "Ghost Mode". Dashu's temple is located in Gomar.

-Mozeka: Androgynous - Second of the seven corrupted gods. Mozeka is the god of time, change, and future events. Grants "Awareness". Mozeka's temple is located in the middle of the Maibuu Canopies.

-Aki-Luah: Androgynous - Third of the seven corrupted gods. Aki-Luah is the god of tranquility, peace, and harmony. Grants "Spirit Lantern". Aki-Luah's temple is hidden deep in the thick jungle rim of the Maibuu Canopies.

-Veros: Androgynous - Fourth of the seven corrupted gods. Veros is the god of Valor, Conquest, and War. Grants "Pyros". Veros' temple is at the center of the Sandlands trading city Sola Viru.

-Tala-Kii: Androgynous - Fifth of the seven corrupted gods. Tala-Kii is the god of planet, land, and ancestry. Grants "Terra". Tala-Kii's temple is at the center of the Ruun Palace.

-Keka-Ya: Androgynous - Sixth of the seven corrupted gods. Keka-Ya is the god of space, the sky, and eternity. Grants "Archstone". Keka-Ya's temple is located in Scarabia.

-Uduku: Androgynous - Last of the corrupted gods. Uduku is the god of the underworld, the dead, and mortality. Grants "Frost". Uduku's temple is located just beyond the Archstone Gateway in Taki.

-Raskuu: Androgynous - The final god of Aagrah. Raskuu is the god of chance and chaos. After centuries of plotting, Raskuu and his servants overthrew the other gods and imprisoned them. In order to break the spiritual bonds that imprison them, Sytro must nearly destroy the gods. In doing so, the bonds will be shattered and in their weakened state, they each will award him a gift to aid him in finally defeating Raskuu.

That's all I have to share for now, keeping Depths a little more shrouded for now.


Mathers 12 years, 9 months ago

Looks really good

Castypher 12 years, 9 months ago

I would give up all of my programming and musical ability to be as good of an artist as you.

And to be as resilient as you.

You are my role model. Have a cookie. It's macadamia.

Taizen Chisou 12 years, 9 months ago

It's looking pretty sexy so far! :V

Glen 12 years, 9 months ago

Big fan of the game. Can't wait to see it finally finished.

DSG 12 years, 9 months ago

Yea, I can't afford not to finish this thing haha I've put too much work into it

Rob 12 years, 9 months ago

Yea, I can't afford not to finish this thing haha I've put too much work into it

Yet you seem to be able to afford to lose the entire project a dozen times.

JID 12 years, 9 months ago

Just please finish the game and stop showing pics just to put all of our game making skills to shame. :(

Eva unit-01 12 years, 9 months ago

Yea man, I'd love to play this before I'm 30. It's been looking so sexy for (insert amount of years) now.

Rez 12 years, 9 months ago

Androgynous Gods - the game.

Looking great as always! Your persistence is inspiring.

duckman 12 years, 9 months ago

What? No demo? Damn.