[DSG] Depths VIDEO! Pyros and Spirit Lantern

Posted by DSG on May 23, 2012, 12:18 p.m.

Here's a video of the new lighting engine in action in the Maibuu Canopies, as well as a demonstration of the Pyros upgrade. Sorry about the video/audio being out of sync, and I forgot to pause my music and didn't feel like re-recording, I know most of you don't like brutal slam death metal, my apologies.


DSG 12 years, 8 months ago

I appreciate all your comments, and agree that gameplay, especially the running and gunning will feel powerful and engaging. Even the visuals and sound make a huge difference as i recently made the gun beam brighter and sound like, you know, BAMMMM!! instead of *pew pew* you know?

svf 12 years, 8 months ago

Same as Mega….

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 8 months ago

I dunno, I like games with good story, graphics and gameplay. Like Starcraft, or Half-Life 2.

Don't argue with me that Starcraft has bad graphics, I'll smack you, I'll do it.

DSG, you may want to make the foreground objects have a slight alpha transparency. Like 70 or 80%.
