Basically, I took the old sprites and scaled them 2x then drew over them so they are twice the size but the same proportions and stuff. I was just bored really, but I kinda like how it looks. It makes me miss the old Depths style; it was more cartoon-esque. I even had a dream where I remade Depths with this style and kept it old-school 2D style platform graphics and realized it would be so much easier than the 3D I'm doing now and could quickly convert most of the graphics from the current depths to be used in 2D. It's a tempting idea, after all. You've all said you miss the old depths style and the 3D is gimmicky and I admit it does take up a lot of time I wish I could be spending on gameplay and story-telling.
What are your thoughts? If somehow magically, I could have been working on a 2D old style depths with these new hi-res graphics this whole time instead of this 3D version, would you think I'd be better off? Just a thought. As I said, A LOT of the graphics would transfer, and just be replaced with 2D versions. It sounds almost easier than drudging on with the task of making everything 3D.
Any thoughts at all?
Do us all a favor
Back up your gameYes, the old character was more likeable, and just looks better.
Depths 12: Still Unfinished.
Depths 4, technically.
If you like the old Depths
I feel bad for you sonI got 99 versionsBut finished ain't oneTake my money already.
Yeeeeeeee :D
Not all of the 3d is gimmicky, It is pretty cool actually, I just think you are using it too much. Like you are putting a big neon sign up saying "HEY LOOK, MY GAME IS 3D! SEE THIS PLANT, YEAH, 3 DIMENSIONS, BITCH!"just use some paralax, and use pseudo 3d for the doors and walls. but yeah, as others have said, I would rather see it released early with some minor features missing, you can add them later. Get the major things done first. First, make it work, then, and ONLY THEN, make it awesome. (i should probably listen to my own advice XD )At this point just fucking finish it….