[DSG] If you like the OLD Depths...

Posted by DSG on June 17, 2012, 2:34 p.m.

Basically, I took the old sprites and scaled them 2x then drew over them so they are twice the size but the same proportions and stuff. I was just bored really, but I kinda like how it looks. It makes me miss the old Depths style; it was more cartoon-esque. I even had a dream where I remade Depths with this style and kept it old-school 2D style platform graphics and realized it would be so much easier than the 3D I'm doing now and could quickly convert most of the graphics from the current depths to be used in 2D. It's a tempting idea, after all. You've all said you miss the old depths style and the 3D is gimmicky and I admit it does take up a lot of time I wish I could be spending on gameplay and story-telling.

What are your thoughts? If somehow magically, I could have been working on a 2D old style depths with these new hi-res graphics this whole time instead of this 3D version, would you think I'd be better off? Just a thought. As I said, A LOT of the graphics would transfer, and just be replaced with 2D versions. It sounds almost easier than drudging on with the task of making everything 3D.

Any thoughts at all?


Quietus 12 years, 8 months ago

yeah personally, i'd go for the one you can bring to completion fastest, just so you'll have something you can shop around/sell.

pseudo3d stuff is pretty much all i do in GM so i know how heavy it can be.

DSG 12 years, 8 months ago

Also with the 3D, it took away from the pixelart aspect. The graphics have lost their pixel-per-pixel design with all the scaling and rotation and all that, perhaps a 3D title would be better for after Depths, maybe a sequel.

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

pseudo3d stuff is pretty much all i do in GM so i know how heavy it can be.

But I've been trying to escape it lately.

Quietus 12 years, 8 months ago

Also with the 3D, it took away from the pixelart aspect.
yeah! that was the part i really missed when you changed things up, cause as it was Depths could have passed for a perfect 2d game. easily something i could see playing on handheld.

and yeah pseudo3d can never be pixel-perfect in GM, you've done really well with it but it is a different aesthetic. original Depths had a more purist feel, with kind of an Oddworld aesthetic, whereas the 3d reminds me of a more typical shooter like Serious Sam or something.

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 8 months ago


Juurians don't make Game Maker games.

This is a blatant fabrication.

DSG 12 years, 8 months ago

Well, maybe ill be on teamspeak this saturday then. I'm mountain time here, so im not sure what time it will be in my time zone

DSG 12 years, 8 months ago

Also, I'm already working on the engine and man, I gotta tell you it's refreshing. The code is much more clean and organized from the start, while the old one is littered with patches and out of order clumps of code. I'll throw up a video when I have it feeling solid

JuurianChi 12 years, 8 months ago

Cool beans.

It should be interesting to see.

Alert Games 12 years, 8 months ago

Would be awesome to have both the pixel art and pseudo 3D. But I think it would be better to have some playable product without some of the extras, then add them in later.

Most of all of our concerns is when this will be released. It will be awesome, but wait too long and it will be slowly forgotten.

Also, use my upcoming API in it kthxbye.

Castypher 12 years, 8 months ago

I like how you're asking the audience here. Here are my thoughts:

Make the original Depths 2D. We just want to see it and we were all content (and some were happier) with its graphics. Then, like someone said, you can use the pseudo-3D in a sequel or something. But as it stands now, the 3D looks a bit ugly because you can't make it blend 100% (most notably the closest and furthest tiles).

However, whatever your decision, copy the source file and keep it for later so all the code and resources as they are can still be accessible. And for the love of god, back it up.

Unlike everyone else, the time you're taking impresses me far more than it infuriates me. Most other people would have gotten bored of a project like this by now. You have some sort of resilience and motivation that I think everyone here can learn from.