-DSG- Depths NEW VIDEO, big progress!

Posted by DSG on Nov. 18, 2012, 1:14 a.m.

CHECK OUT THIS NEW VIDEO :] Some ACTUAL game play, for once. Haha

Please forgive my ugly, monotone voice. It's not like I'm reading from a script or have any experience with public speaking. Plus, I wouldn't exactly say I have the voice for it, anyway.

Comments? Critique? Insights? Suggestions? All appreciated. ^^


Cesar 12 years, 3 months ago

Please make the runes a little more visible or do something about that. I would be driven crazy by that shit, having to check every fucking room for the little rune thing T_T

Besides that it look reaaaaaaally good I fucking LOVE the rainbow in that one room

DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

I could make them glow when you get near them, like a radiant kind of glow

Cesar 12 years, 3 months ago

That would also look super fucking cool :O

Rolf_Soldaat 12 years, 3 months ago

I don't think the runes need to be explained, let the players think for themselves a little.

Also, remember to keep backing up your shit.

Rob 12 years, 3 months ago

Quote: the video

Computer shut down while saving, lost 3 tile sheets

You would think that by now you would have learned to use some kind of version controlling/backup software….

Quote: the video again

Any critiques, concerns… outright insults, let me know


Also, just in case anyone ever reads your code, assuming this was code for the game, you should really indent. And using single = for equality checking can bite you in the ass if you move to another language ever, since = is used for assignment, whereas == is used for equality checking, so something like:

if (value = 3)

In most non-GM languages this will cause the conditional check to always be evaluated as true, since instead of checking if the thing is equal to 3, it will assign the variable to 3 and return true, so the second else statement will never be executed, and your value will always be 3 after executing that code. And in Game Maker it's still good practice to use == for equality assessment.

Just a tip, so you don't get fucked over in the future.

Other than that, amazing progress. The game looks great!

Toast 12 years, 3 months ago

All those separate if statements are probably unnecessary considering they're all checking the same variable and drawing the same sprite x number of times

eagly 12 years, 3 months ago

This is looking really good. Keep up the good progress!

Charlie Carlo 12 years, 3 months ago

I agree that the new background tiles look cooler.

This game is shaping up quite nicely.

DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

Yea my code can be a little inefficient but it isn't my strong point. I can code almost anything but sometimes it comes out very step-by-step if I'm writing something complicated where I need to see what's happening in a very straightforward format. After I get the math right and all that, I can then go back and make it more efficient. Besides, we all have our own styles I guess, if it works it works, and it runs at full speed.

DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

Also, @toast: it is drawing the sprite 4 times. It's the code that draws the 4 collected runes as they spin and fall into their slots one after another on the door before it opens.