-DSG- Depths NEW VIDEO, big progress!

Posted by DSG on Nov. 18, 2012, 1:14 a.m.

CHECK OUT THIS NEW VIDEO :] Some ACTUAL game play, for once. Haha

Please forgive my ugly, monotone voice. It's not like I'm reading from a script or have any experience with public speaking. Plus, I wouldn't exactly say I have the voice for it, anyway.

Comments? Critique? Insights? Suggestions? All appreciated. ^^


DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

@spectreNectar: yea I see where you're coming from, however that intro 30 lined message will be accompanied by a slideshow-style cutscene, and would be the only time in the game that such a long message would be displayed. In fact messages wouldn't come up that often after this part of the game.

DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

But I would be interested to hear a more creative introduction to the story, if anyone took the time to read all those messages.

ludamad 12 years, 3 months ago

DSG: There's a lot more to code than just working (tons, really). The fact that you were forced to recode things many times is not a good sign. You'd be surprised at what good code can withstand (entire engine changes, etc).

DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

Na, I didn't have much really to re-code, my code is pretty well written I think for the most part. I also usually indent and annotate and all that except for small little bits of code.

Rob 12 years, 3 months ago

Quote: Spectre
Oh and about programming just remember to make things general dude. Maybe, just maybe, you will be collecting stuff later on in the game as well - so make a reusable system for collecting things.Repeat for everything. Don't write code that can't be reused ever. Or what do I know =)

Quote: Ludamad
DSG: There's a lot more to code than just working (tons, really). The fact that you were forced to recode things many times is not a good sign. You'd be surprised at what good code can withstand (entire engine changes, etc).

This. Good code is code that can withstand change. Remember to program to interfaces, rather than hard-coded implementations whenever possible, and to make systems that are easily extensible. So when you have to add a new enemy type or something it's easy and you only have to write new code, rather than modify old code just to get the thing to work because your system is poorly designed. Abstraction and generalization are your friends, and hard-coded stuff is your enemy.

Quote: DSG

Na, I didn't have much really to re-code, my code is pretty well written I think for the most part

I guess after the ninth time rewriting Depths from Scratch it would be fairly well written. :p

Quote: DSG
Also, @toast: it is drawing the sprite 4 times. It's the code that draws the 4 collected runes as they spin and fall into their slots one after another on the door before it opens.

For loop/array?

for (i = 0; i < 4; i += 1)
       if (runecount >= i)
               draw_sprite_ext(SPrune_mjr_01, 0, x[i], y[i]........);

You could omit those curly braces (please keep the indents though) and it would only be 3 lines long.

Quote: DSG
Yea my code can be a little inefficient but it isn't my strong point.

The points I was making don't really have anything to do with runtime efficiency, they have more to do with not fucking you over in the future due to poor choices, as well as making your code more easily readable to anyone else… as well as to yourself as well. I remember when I was 14 my code had no indentation and didn't have much whitespace, I figured it was pretty pointless. But now when I look bad on my code it looks like garbage, and it's harder to tell when logical blocks begin and end.

As an example:

Code form when I was ~14:

if keyboard_check_pressed(vk_f11)
if display_get_width()=320 and display_get_height()=240
if keyboard_check_pressed(ord('R'))
if room=start

How I would re-format the style now:

if (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_f11))
         if (display_get_width() == 320 and display_get_height() == 240)
                  display_set_size(global.screen_width, global.screen_height);
                  display_set_size(320, 240);

if (keyboard_check_pressed(ord('R')))
         if (room == start)

Although that's just a syntax style change. If I were to actually re-write it, it would probably be written in a different way.

It becomes more noticeable when you have more advanced control structures and more nested stuff and blocks longer than 2 lines long.

I'm not trying to be an ass or anything, I just want to help you program better so Depths won't take longer because you designed some subsystem in a non-extensible way or something.

DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

Thanks Rob, I appreciate the help. I'll need to really teach myself to code better.

Toast 12 years, 3 months ago

When you have "if if if" like that it's usually inefficient. 9 times out of 10 you want "if else if else if", "switch", "for" or "do".

Also, I would've cut it even shorter than Rob. You want the "runecount >= i" expression in the for statement, so if it fails you don't have to keep looping. i.e.

j = min(runecount,3);
for (i = 0; i <= j; i += 1)
               draw_sprite_ext(SPrune_mjr_01, 0, x[i], y[i]........);

You might not even need the arrays, depending.

But yeah I'm just nitpicking. As Rob says, readability comes first. Although if you're trying to get this Game Maker project to run well on smartphones, you probably should be striving to be as efficient as possible, because I'm not sure how efficient Game Maker itself is.

Rob 12 years, 3 months ago

Quote: Toast
readability comes first

You should write code half as smart as you are, because when debugging code, you have to be twice as smart.

-Mangled Brian Kernighan quote

Good code is readable code. However, if the area you're writing is somewhere where performance matters a lot, you can always be smart - just remember to comment the fuck out of it. It might not seem like you need to comment it because you entirely understand the entire thing when you're writing it… but when you wrote it a year ago, and then have to go back and debug it, you probably won't remember it all and will just think "wtf?"…. same goes if someone else has to read it.

As for the efficiency, it's often not small things that can make a difference, but changes in how your algorithms operate on a whole. Going from something that's O(n^2) to O(n log(n)) can be huge. Optimizing the O(n^2) to run in 80% of the time will still be massively slower than a O(n log(n)) algorithm without any optimizations. Although obviously you can't always do that. But you shouldn't just be prematurely optimizing everywhere, or else you'll never finish the damned game. Although that doesn't mean you should feel free to write inefficient code when you could just as easily write efficient stuff, just don't spent too much time on tiny things.

An example of this is when I had a bunch of equal-size objects to do collision detection on. Instead of settling for horrible O(n^2), I sorted the entire list of objects along one of the axes, ie O(n log(n)) with any decent sorting algorithm, and then went along each thing and traversed the objects in both directions along the axis to see which ones collided. This is theorhetically slower if every bullet is in the same position, so the worst case is O(n log(n)) + O(n^2), but on average it's O(n log(n)) + O(n) which is much better. I went from being able to have like <1000 of these things to 10,000+ or something at the same framerate, since 1,000,000 > 1,000 * 10 + 1,000 (ie 11,000)

And you have to take everything into consideration. If you're not in a language that can do compile-time inlining of trivial functions like min/max then the code Toast gave introduces a function call overhead. And an extra variable, in case you are writing it on an embedded system with 1MB of RAM or somethings stupid, although nowadays that's way less of an issue since even phones have fuckloads of memory.

However, like I said, this kind of efficiency is pretty meaningless compared to changes in your other, larger algorithms that could save thousands of calls every step because of restructuring, whereas the thing me and Toast are talking about is pretty much entirely trivial with only 4 runes. And originally I was just reorganizing it to make it more extensible/modifiable and to reduce code redundancy, rather than any kind of optimization, since DSG's code is actually slightly more efficient than mine with regard to operating time (although by a trivial amount that would be easily optimized away by any compiler) at the expense of a tiny bit of extra space.

tl;dr: make your code readable and extensible, and try to make optimizations where they matter before you go after tiny things, compilers optimize like mad for small things anyways.

Toast 12 years, 3 months ago

Listen to Rob, unlike me he actually knows what he's talking about

DSG 12 years, 3 months ago

Oh yea that all makes sense. I think for the most part my code is readable and extendable.