-DSG- YoYo Games has failed me.

Posted by DSG on Feb. 28, 2013, 7:33 p.m.

Can't work on Depths.

Upon opening Game Maker Studio v1.1.805, the program told me my license was unable to be validated. It provided a link to a web address to re-validate manually but that just lead to a page of nonsense endless text. I closed and opened it again, and it opened as the free version. I tried to enter my activation code, and received the message: "Fatal Internal Error: Code #1341", and GM:S closed itself. I uninstalled GM:S, downloaded the newest version (v1.1.827) and re-installed I attempted to re-enter the activation code. GM:S returned with the same error message and closed. I had restarted my computer after the installation, it did not make a difference. I tried to run as the free version. It then opened as the free version and a prompt told me that it was licensed as a free copy successfully. From there, I tried to update the license and was given the prompt to enter my activation code. After entering the code, again the same error appeared and GM:S crashed.



Is anyone else having this problem?

I'm pissed.


colseed 12 years ago

Quote: Purianite on youtubs
The models and scenes are from a Japanese hentai game called Ore ga Shujinkou.
now i'm scared to watch the video ;_;

Amarin 12 years ago

colseed, the game lets you hide the HUD and mouse around everything. Neither of the two girls are wearing panties. But I assure you, the video that Juurian posted is completely clean.