-DSG- YoYo Games has failed me.

Posted by DSG on Feb. 28, 2013, 7:33 p.m.

Can't work on Depths.

Upon opening Game Maker Studio v1.1.805, the program told me my license was unable to be validated. It provided a link to a web address to re-validate manually but that just lead to a page of nonsense endless text. I closed and opened it again, and it opened as the free version. I tried to enter my activation code, and received the message: "Fatal Internal Error: Code #1341", and GM:S closed itself. I uninstalled GM:S, downloaded the newest version (v1.1.827) and re-installed I attempted to re-enter the activation code. GM:S returned with the same error message and closed. I had restarted my computer after the installation, it did not make a difference. I tried to run as the free version. It then opened as the free version and a prompt told me that it was licensed as a free copy successfully. From there, I tried to update the license and was given the prompt to enter my activation code. After entering the code, again the same error appeared and GM:S crashed.



Is anyone else having this problem?

I'm pissed.


SteveKB 11 years, 10 months ago

well at least it won't keep him from opening the files. also GM:S still felt slow for me when I tried to do more intensive tasks. tasks which c++ and SFML had no problem handling at a reasonable framerate.

JuurianChi 11 years, 10 months ago

If we're suggesting stuff to DSG, I think he should use Unity 3D and bring back the 3d version of Depths.

MMOnologueguy 11 years, 10 months ago

Make it in RPG Maker.

JuurianChi 11 years, 10 months ago

What makes UDK better?

DSG 11 years, 10 months ago

Yea, I've been bugging the hell out of the help desk and bug page, I'll hear back from them soon, I hope. I would switch to C++ If I hadn't already spent years learning every nook and cranny of GM. Besides, no more starting over for this developer, no sir.

JuurianChi 11 years, 10 months ago

Real high budget games being made in it.
Just because a lot of people with huge lumps of money in their pockets use it, doesn't necessarily make it better, really.


I paid a shit ton of money for Topogun when the free Xnormal would have done just as well. But because everyone talks about Topogun more often I had no idea.

eagly 11 years, 10 months ago

Everything is suited to certain situations.

If many large companies pay huge sums of money for something then clearly it is doing something right. But that may not suit someone developing a smaller game alone.

I paid a shit ton of money for Topogun when the free Xnormal would have done just as well. But because everyone talks about Topogun more often I had no idea.
This is why you should research into alternatives before jumping in and buying something. :(

Eva unit-01 11 years, 10 months ago

On UDK: lots of indie game devs use it actually. I've been on maybe 3 indie teams developing with it, and there are plenty of indie UDK games already out too.

CryEngine is less dev friendly. The only 'indie'(?) game I know of that's made use of it recently is Nexuiz.

Amarin 11 years, 10 months ago

Such a disgrace, YoYo.

@Juurian: Just as I thought, Ore ga Shujinkou was made in Unity.

Zac1790 11 years, 10 months ago

Usually it takes 1-2 business days to hear a response from the help desk, but then it might not be until the next update that you get a fix :/

At least this didn't happen while they had that ridiculous skull and cross-swords thing.