-DSG- YoYo Games has failed me.

Posted by DSG on Feb. 28, 2013, 7:33 p.m.

Can't work on Depths.

Upon opening Game Maker Studio v1.1.805, the program told me my license was unable to be validated. It provided a link to a web address to re-validate manually but that just lead to a page of nonsense endless text. I closed and opened it again, and it opened as the free version. I tried to enter my activation code, and received the message: "Fatal Internal Error: Code #1341", and GM:S closed itself. I uninstalled GM:S, downloaded the newest version (v1.1.827) and re-installed I attempted to re-enter the activation code. GM:S returned with the same error message and closed. I had restarted my computer after the installation, it did not make a difference. I tried to run as the free version. It then opened as the free version and a prompt told me that it was licensed as a free copy successfully. From there, I tried to update the license and was given the prompt to enter my activation code. After entering the code, again the same error appeared and GM:S crashed.



Is anyone else having this problem?

I'm pissed.


Kunedon 12 years ago

Hopefully this'll get sorted out soon, or else his game will be thrown into the Depths of development hell.

Castypher 12 years ago

Clearly YYG is intimidated by Depths' existence. Why, they have every right to be. When Depths is released, a surge of power will envelop the world and cause strange phenomena, possibly increasing the intelligence levels of the population by 500 levels and turning them toward making games in assembly. They want to avoid this at all costs lest they lose their army of brainwashed zombies and have their eventual plans for world domination ruined.

Take this surge badge, DSG. Let it give you the power to overcome these trials and persevere!

MMOnologueguy 12 years ago

It's not the exact version you're looking for, but maybe you could use this until YoYo Games gets it fixed.

I'm still on 8.1. Are there any major new features in Studio I'm missing out on?

JuurianChi 12 years ago

You mean like the Extra Export options?

"Linux, Mac, Android, etc"

Unaligned 12 years ago

Quote: MMORPGguy
Are there any major new features in Studio I'm missing out on?
I tpb'd GM studio for shits and giggles and got a working hello world on my phone in like 5 minutes (sans the downloads of the ADK and JDK). Fearful of them having some sort of way to check whether the program was compiled with legitimate software, I'm seriously considering buying Studio Complete if it's on sale again.

KaBob799 12 years ago

Am I the only one who thinks telling someone to port their large project to another language is not helpful?

OBELISK 12 years ago

DSG, you should have 64digits help you port Depths to C++/SFML.


It'd be the biggest pain in the ass but I think you'd be glad it happened. You could distribute it in more ways and it'd probably run faster to boot

KaBob799 12 years ago

GM:Studio already has a lot of distribution methods and it runs faster than GM8

Castypher 12 years ago

runs faster than GM8
8.0 or 8.1? Because I noticed when making the transition to 8.1 that I had severe framerate drops, so saying it's faster than 8.1 probably isn't saying much.

Basically I'm looking at getting GMS one day and I want to be sure it's going to be worth using as opposed to just writing shit in C# and Obj-C to begin with.

melee-master 12 years ago

Damn GMS is expensive if you want all the export options…