-DSG- YoYo Games has failed me.

Posted by DSG on Feb. 28, 2013, 7:33 p.m.

Can't work on Depths.

Upon opening Game Maker Studio v1.1.805, the program told me my license was unable to be validated. It provided a link to a web address to re-validate manually but that just lead to a page of nonsense endless text. I closed and opened it again, and it opened as the free version. I tried to enter my activation code, and received the message: "Fatal Internal Error: Code #1341", and GM:S closed itself. I uninstalled GM:S, downloaded the newest version (v1.1.827) and re-installed I attempted to re-enter the activation code. GM:S returned with the same error message and closed. I had restarted my computer after the installation, it did not make a difference. I tried to run as the free version. It then opened as the free version and a prompt told me that it was licensed as a free copy successfully. From there, I tried to update the license and was given the prompt to enter my activation code. After entering the code, again the same error appeared and GM:S crashed.



Is anyone else having this problem?

I'm pissed.


Quietus 12 years ago

note to self: never update.


JuurianChi 12 years ago

:Opens GM:Studio:

"1.1.827 "

I don't know what to tell you, guy.

DSG 12 years ago


RC 12 years ago

Try contacting YoYo Games or posting here about your problem. The GM devs usually check the Studio forums regularly.

ludamad 12 years ago

DRM is utter crap, its an insult to people who pay for the software. People start cracking the thing just so its not annoying.

Anyway, sucks. But I'm sure you'll get it sorted and working on Depths in no-time. Have you been working on it every day ?

SteveKB 12 years ago

This is why I was fed up with GM:S and moved to C++ with SFML you should look it up it's pretty neat and I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out (you can send me a message if you get stuck on setting it up or anything)

JuurianChi 12 years ago

DSG seems to have what we call Peter Parker Syndrome or as it's commonly known : "Typical Parker Luck"

JuurianChi 12 years ago


That's SteveKB's plan.

Glen 12 years ago

I thought you were going to say you lost Depths again….

firestormx 12 years ago

Well now he can't even start a new depths.