i got good stuff!!! a total of 275 dollars in xmas money! oh and i got a gameboy micro. what can i say, its retro lol. although i didnt get a scanner. w/e ill jst buy 1 now!
i got good stuff!!! a total of 275 dollars in xmas money! oh and i got a gameboy micro. what can i say, its retro lol. although i didnt get a scanner. w/e ill jst buy 1 now!
Atheists suck.
Oh, and it's Hannukah, not xmas.w/e. and y do u say atheists suck? i mean im athiest and that made me cry.
funny, u didnt say boing!… whats up with that anyway?
who isn't an atheist nowadays? and alpha man feels so special…
alphaman is strange… lmao *sarcastic "boing"*
j'aime alpha_homme boing.
Lol. The boing thing is getting kind of old.
It's now "Thank you God" and "FirestormX is awesome".DAMNIT STOP EDITING MY POSTS!