Introduction and What I Am Working On

Posted by DaSpirit on Oct. 15, 2013, 8:23 p.m.

First, greetings everyone! I am new here. I am hoping to post games here in the future. I know GameMaker, C++ and I also have some web experience (JS, PHP, MySQL). Now the fun part, my current project.

Please note that my current project is still a concept and not fully functional. Now introducing (and you may have seen this long ago on the GMC)…

Natural GM

The goal is to create a brand new IDE for GameMaker (ALL OF THEM). For the people who only use GM, an IDE is an editor. There are specific criteria that I am trying to meet, many of which YoYo Games fails to do with their current one:


Everything has to be exchangeable internally. This makes updating with new features easy. Not to mention, it allows the creation of plugins. ANYTHING should and could be a plugin.


Make everything as lightweight or heavyweight as possible. We want the user to make designing become his/her experience, not a forced one. This means dockable widgets and removable toolbars.


Completely GPL open source, written in C++ using the Qt framework. Anyone can contribute, anyone can improvement and anyone can start their own version of the project.

That's it for now. Hopefully I can post some screenshots soon. Still trying to perfect the basic framework of it all. Release won't be for another year.

I'd appreciate it if people gave me more ideas. I have an idea list here: Comment any of your ideas that are not listed, so I can plan and add before release!


Seleney 11 years, 3 months ago

Welcome to 64 Da Spirit!

JuurianChi 11 years, 3 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits.

I'm not a Jackass.

Astryl 11 years, 3 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits!

I'm one of the jackasses you have to watch out for.

Nice to see another C++ programmer; is your IDE going to go up on GitHub/BitBucket anytime soon?

Pirate-rob 11 years, 3 months ago


I struggle with any sprite editor that's not game maker :S

DaSpirit 11 years, 3 months ago

Thanks for the welcomes!

Quote: Mega
Nice to see another C++ programmer; is your IDE going to go up on GitHub/BitBucket anytime soon?
Already is on GitHub. It is capable of editing text files and only reads the GMX file structure. It requires the Qt library and must be compiled in GCC (or MinGW on Windows, Visual Studio does not have the C++11 features I use). Link right now is: