World Of Debels-RPG4D Entry

Posted by Debels on April 30, 2012, 11:38 p.m.

Since a long time ago i tried to create an MMORPG (really long time), but with every WoD version i made it ended with a big:

Yes, I couldn't finish one because: My code was messy and buggy or lost of interest, So when i readed about RPG4D i thought of the opportunitie for re-starting and completing WoD.

What is WoD about?

World Of Debels or WoD is a mid age based MMORPG where you don't just fight for being the best player you fight for your people and your land's (conquer), Pride Party or Normal Party or maybe Combat Party to defeat the most powerful monster's or player's!

Were currently a team of 3 member's:

Debels: Lead Programmer.

Waseem: Lead Music Composer.

Ahmed: Lead Graphic Designer.

Where I would post the development log's for this project

You can find a lot of information about how I planned for making WoD, but watch out! don't take anything since it's copyrighted material (some mine and some from other people)


Juju 12 years, 9 months ago

Blogsite to upload blogs about an entry to a competition hosted on a blogsite which you can also upload blogs about an entry to a competition on a blogsite - CEPTION
No. No, no, no, no, no.

Toast 12 years, 9 months ago

No. No, no, no, no, no.

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

Just so you know: If the dev log isn't on this site, I'm not going to read it.

JuurianChi 12 years, 9 months ago

don't take anything since it's copyrighted material


Debels 12 years, 9 months ago



I just said that because some of the content like some graphic's aren't mine and some people like to take things (which i dont care if they ask for permission first).

Sorry for how i write the thing is English isn't my native language and I'm kinda confused with some things :S

Juju 12 years, 9 months ago

You mean you've taken copyrighted material from someone else? >_>
I think Debels means Ahmed made them so Debel's doesn't own them. I think. Otherwise this became hilarious.

Acid 12 years, 9 months ago

Just reread my comment. It sounded kind of rude. This is what I was trying to say:

I'm not going to check your own personal website for your game every day. If you want feedback, it would be wiser to post information here.

Castypher 12 years, 9 months ago

If you're entering in the competition, you'll have to come up with your own content anyway. Nobody's going to take a game that uses the Link sprite seriously.

Debels 12 years, 9 months ago

Quote: Stevenup7002
You mean you've taken copyrighted material from someone else? >_>
No i asked for permission on the owner's, they said yes. I wouldn't take anything that isn't mine with out permission.

Quote: Juju
I think Debels means Ahmed made them so Debel's doesn't own them. I think. Otherwise this became hilarious.
xD, The thing's that ahmed makes they are for all WoD's team.

Quote: Acid
Just reread my comment. It sounded kind of rude. This is what I was trying to say:

I'm not going to check your own personal website for your game every day. If you want feedback, it would be wiser to post information here.
Yeah, I know what you mean i guess i can post the link here and we can discuss it here on in my forum (same thing).

Quote: Kilin
If you're entering in the competition, you'll have to come up with your own content anyway. Nobody's going to take a game that uses the Link sprite seriously.
All the ideas/story's are mine, some graphic's are going to be place holders, no I'm not going to use link my game isn't related with link.

Debels 12 years, 9 months ago