Something Old, Something New

Posted by DesertFox on Dec. 2, 2006, 11:01 p.m.


<h4 align=center>Something New</h4>


Apparently, chicklet wants to know when I turned 18. I turned 18 over 2 months ago; Sept. 30th.

Anyway, it seems Forrest finally picked up that gun, and killed that large, yellow thing. Turns out it was a spider.

<img align=center src= alt="A dead spider">

Perhaps he was defending his computer, or something. See the working ammo display?

Also, the hand is a cursor, useful for looking, smelling, tasting objects without typing it in. But you will have to type in stuff like "unplug computer" or "look <b>under</b> bed.

You will have to use your brain for many puzzles, and a happy trigger finger for others! I intend to add in a shock-prod. Zap.

That new button (refence, older picture below) is a notepad - you will be able to keep notes on while in-game, something that will be very useful.


The entire GUI HUD interface is one object, a tribute to single-object displays. Woohoo? Yes.

All 9 buttons option buttons, along with the 4 textbox buttons, work.

The textbox is also drawn by the HUD object, and can scroll up/down 128 lines of text. The tooltip box works, as you can see, it reveals that there is a dead spider. Fear not, not everything can be seen/used by the tooltip boc/cursor. Muaha.


I wake up in 4 hours to get on a plane. Woohoo. Back to Rochester. Long, boring plane trip. I will sleep much of it, hopefully.


<h4 align=center>Something Old</h4>


Well, this stuff was ignored from my last blog. My rant was much better talk, apparently.

As some of you know, I am working on an unnamed game; I told you all that it was a text-based adventure game - and that is only <b>half true</b>.

While you will end up typing things like "get flask" and recieving text like "You cant get ye flask", it is not solely based on text.

<p aling=center></p>

Forrest, holding a revolver, about to blast a spider

A nice GUI, as you can see, one of the buttons is a duplicate, but that is because I haven't thought of a 9th button.

The textbox can scroll up and down, expand or contract; it can accept commands like "look paper" or "sniff chemicals".

Also, items will respond to many names. gun works the same as revolver, or pistol.

Interesting, no?

GUI overview - pretty much self-explanatory.


Kaz 18 years, 1 month ago

Wow I just got what PSM was saying.

Acid 18 years, 1 month ago

Kaz… you need to stop hanging around SY, his brain is rubbing off on you. XD

The game looks cool DF, BTW I like the old school text-based adventure games. This tribute to them is nice.

HeroofTime55 18 years, 1 month ago

One of your old blogs stretches the screen all ugly.