Fox sez Cats and Trains!

Posted by DesertFox on Feb. 19, 2007, 3:20 p.m.

Well, by popular vote, I have won the latest ObeL IsK cirimatch. Also, in case you haven't noticed, REZ is no longer staff.

I also took a programming exam today, and 2 thirds of it was stuff I didn't do because I had to leave. So, during the test, I taught myself 2/3 of the exam, and finished before almost everyone. I'm damn sure I aced that test too - everything worked as smooth as silk.

Also, I've just about finished that multiplayer java jeopardy game - it is teh awesome.

I somehow have drifted into surfing on 4chan - most of it is utter crap, but some of it is pure awesome. I have for your viewing pleasure, filtered out the crap, and have left you with awesome.

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poultry 18 years ago


OBELISK 18 years ago


Kaz 18 years ago
RoyalSmacketh 18 years ago


TwistyWristy 18 years ago

lmao, love the mapquest one!


GreenNex 18 years ago

I liked the first one.

tylerthemiler 18 years ago

Those were all funny!

god 18 years ago


AthamX 18 years ago

Nice cats xD

You say REZ isn't staff anymore?

SleepinJohnnyFish 18 years ago

That is like… the least cool thing from 4chan there is…

cat macros are sweet, but seriously, the best of 4chan could NEVER be shown on this site. Not only would no one understand any of it, but it'd also most likely be really disgusting.