Well, by popular vote, I have won the latest ObeL IsK cirimatch. Also, in case you haven't noticed, REZ is no longer staff.
I also took a programming exam today, and 2 thirds of it was stuff I didn't do because I had to leave. So, during the test, I taught myself 2/3 of the exam, and finished before almost everyone. I'm damn sure I aced that test too - everything worked as smooth as silk.Also, I've just about finished that multiplayer java jeopardy game - it is teh awesome.I somehow have drifted into surfing on 4chan - most of it is utter crap, but some of it is pure awesome. I have for your viewing pleasure, filtered out the crap, and have left you with awesome.<p align=center><img src='http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/edumacation.png'><img src='http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/multitrackdrifting.jpg'><img src='http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/mapquest.jpg'><img src='http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/monorail_cat.jpg'><img src='http://64digits.com/users/DesertFox/genescat.JPG'></p>
Yeah, I'd say 90% of 4chan could not be shown on here.
I just realized how freakin' long that guy's toung is!
Meow…Interweb cat pics are awesome!
I was going through my comments on Emoticon Tournament and noticed that you had posted saying you loved the game. Have You seen Cell Burst?
The neatest pic was the monorail kitten. I like the one Kaz posted too.-Elmerniteawww,cute piccy kaz.
LOL kitty monorail.I say that most of 4chan should not be shown.
Oh noes, first a furry, now 4chan? But you're excused, I loved the edumaction one ;)
xD I loved that mapquest one.
Lol at all pics including kaz's