
Posted by DesertFox on March 8, 2007, 11:01 p.m.

So I'm watching a lot of movies lately. A lot of James Bond, various comedies, and I'm watching Austin Powers again. Yeah baby yeah!

I took 5 hours to watch a 2 hour long James Bond movie, due to serial interruption. Extremely confusing. I was watching a movie on tv while watching James Bond on my laptop, and I'm glad my head didn't explode from sheer amazement.

I want to see 300. I actually plan to go see it next week if I can. SPPAAARRRRTTTAAAA!!!!! Anyone here actually read up on the 300? Its an interesting story.

This entire week has been rather blah. Basically, staying in my room, sleeping until 4PM, I don't know if I like it or if I hate it. I did get to eat a pound of beef jerky over the last 5 days though. Mmmm jerkeh! We loves it my precioussss…

I have a bunch of little cuts over all of my hands, because of this gatorade bottle. The cap has a sharp edge, so cut my hands opening it. Really annoying, like deep long papercuts. There are worse things though.

So I have about 900 random funny pictures. Lots of cats, lots and lots of cats. *cue SJF ranting about cat pictures*

So have a movie poster:

<p align=center></p>


Ferret 18 years ago

ROTFL that is a funny poster!



let me catch my breath


…………agent smith……..


good stuff

ultim8p00 18 years ago


Meta Chaz 18 years ago

I was watching Austin Powers a second ago on TBS

atsurai 18 years ago

Wow. xD

tylerthemiler 17 years, 12 months ago

300 is playing at the iMax in Spokane, WA, which has the biggest screen on the western seaboard. Yes, be very jealous.

Only 2 members on right now!

Cesque 17 years, 12 months ago

Lawl. :D

Bryan 17 years, 12 months ago


elmernite 17 years, 12 months ago

Funny picture.


Jaxx 17 years, 12 months ago

Lol @ Pic. This last week has been b**lshit to me.

Jaxx 17 years, 12 months ago

Pic stretches your page though….