So I'm watching a lot of movies lately. A lot of James Bond, various comedies, and I'm watching Austin Powers again. Yeah baby yeah!
I took 5 hours to watch a 2 hour long James Bond movie, due to serial interruption. Extremely confusing. I was watching a movie on tv while watching James Bond on my laptop, and I'm glad my head didn't explode from sheer amazement.I want to see 300. I actually plan to go see it next week if I can. SPPAAARRRRTTTAAAA!!!!! Anyone here actually read up on the 300? Its an interesting story.This entire week has been rather blah. Basically, staying in my room, sleeping until 4PM, I don't know if I like it or if I hate it. I did get to eat a pound of beef jerky over the last 5 days though. Mmmm jerkeh! We loves it my precioussss…I have a bunch of little cuts over all of my hands, because of this gatorade bottle. The cap has a sharp edge, so cut my hands opening it. Really annoying, like deep long papercuts. There are worse things though.So I have about 900 random funny pictures. Lots of cats, lots and lots of cats. *cue SJF ranting about cat pictures*So have a movie poster:<p align=center>
The movie should actually be called "10,000", but whatever.
Tomorrow our arrows will block out the sun!
Then we will fight in the shade!