Quandary and Previews

Posted by DesertFox on April 18, 2007, 5 p.m.

I did something rather interesting. I went to the GMC to request an animation from a specific person. This person in question is taking requests from a topic that has over 425 replies. This person in question, absolutely fails when making a walking animation.

I thought that this person could use a little help, he is good at posing, pays attention to some detail, and would benefit greatly from a little help.

I asked him to animate this character (someone I'd already animated):

<p align=center></p>

I asked him to make that guy walk, so I could prove my point that he could benefit from a little advice on the walk cycle. He animated it, and did about as expected.

Here is my animation versus his, his in yellow, mine in green:

<p align=center> vs </p>

*note* Since there seems to be some confusion, 1) I don't need an animator, as I am perfectly capable of animating stuff myself (and I was just testing him to make a point), and 2) The one with the green background is one I did myself, a while back.

I sat down, gave him a lengthy explanation, and several extremely helpful pointers on walking animation, as well as an overview of what a walk cycle really is, with an example, and outlining the differences and number of frames. I also described the technique of onion-skinning, something he claims to use.

I received a reply, an unexpected one. This person said he used onion skinning, and that he merely completed requests, and didn't bother animating them well unless asked specifically.

It seems to me that:

1) If someone is requesting an animation, they always want a good animation.

2) It doesn't take much more work to make a good animation than it does to make a crappy one. Sometimes, good animations are in fact easier to make,because of predictable changes in shape and motion.

3) He claims he only does a bad job like the one above if he wants to complete it and doesn't really care about it. Yet, in every single walking animation by him, there is something wrong. For example, here is his avatar - his best animation that I could fine - it looks like a Halo Zombie:

<p align=center></p>

You'd think he'd spend more time on his avatar than anything else, since it represents him, or at least do his best job possible. His spriting is fairly good, but his animating sucks. Jerky, stiff, and unnatural.

He basically only animates the legs, the rest of the body is held rigid. Braiiiinnnnssssss…..


It saddens me to see stuff like that - this guy is getting replies like 'omg awesome best animation ever!' and he can't even animate a simple walk cycle. I was trying to be helpful, give him a few pointers, and instead, I'm brushed off.

May he have many happy hours doing bad walking animations, as he will probably never get better at it since he doesn't listen to sound advice.


Anyways, down to business, comment on this part or else I'll kill you and feed your liver to the owls.

Oh, and bump this - I've seen far too many noobs asking for pendulum examples, and this was last up 6 months ago.


I've been making some tilesets, and stuff for my game. Here, have 3 more pictures!

<p align=center>Bits of grass and stuff

Inside somewhere dark

Something green - it'll make a superb miniboss


Yeah, the character from above is in the game. Sexy lighting, no?


Happy birthday, Arc!


Snakeman 17 years, 6 months ago

Cool, I HAVE to play that. =P

marbs 17 years, 6 months ago

Looks pretty neat, nice work =D

Alx 17 years, 6 months ago

If he doesn't want your help I will be happy to replace him cough cough

DesertFox 17 years, 6 months ago

XD @ PD - I like animating, I have a certain style..

For instance, I use only colors with RGB values divisible by 16, although sometimes I'll let an exception go and use a value divisible by 8.

Those screenshots are a bit old, they are missing a few elements of the HUD, and stuff.

Alx 17 years, 6 months ago

Ok, but still I'm pretty bad at animating. I am only alright at graphics to…

Any chance you could teach me when you get some free time.

Jaxx 17 years, 6 months ago

Wow nice Screenshots DF. Fo' Sow

Nighthawk 17 years, 6 months ago

Awesome Pics, and by the way, I like this one better:

DesertFox 17 years, 6 months ago


XD @ NH17, that animation is the one that I made. I was testing his abilities, didn't need an animator.

@ PD - I'm thinkin' about making a few tutorials on a webpage.

Kairos 17 years, 6 months ago

Your animations and spriting are 1337; minor details that seem to jump out at you in those tiles above. The rock walls are very well done.

I WTF'd @ the Halo thing. It's like… wtf, seriously.

Unfortunately my spriting style is abstract and I rarely do typical spriting with color palettes, and good dithering; my shading kinda sucks too. Abstract ftw!

Kenon 17 years, 6 months ago