Posted by DesertFox on Feb. 25, 2008, 4:28 p.m.

First off, lemme get this out of the way:


That is an approximation of just how freakin' happy I am right now. Why am I so happy? I have a pretty good reason.

A little background is needed for the uninitiated.

There exists a group called the World Wide Web Consortium - this group governs the rules under which websites are made; they write the standards that ensure cross-browser compatibility. In essence, they write the rules for the internet.

Of special note is the fact that one of my professors, for a while, has been an passive participant in many W3 meetings - basically he is allowed to sit in and hear what they are saying, but cannot say anything. It may not sound like much, but it is a very privileged thing. However, he has recently been invited to officially join the W3 Consortium - specifically the area concerning mobile devices.

This alone is rather cool, but there is a second part. I am part of a small team of students who have received (for our good work on our final project) an independent study with him next quarter. This independent study is about taking our final project, and making it even better, turning it into a real website, and possibly trying to sell it to someone.

How does that tie in with what I said previously? Our final project was writing a webpage that was targeted for compatibility with both regular browsers as well as mobile devices. Let us put it together shall we? I have an independent study over webpages for mobile devices, with a professor who is on the W3 Consortium, specifically mobile devices.

To sum it up, if it all works out, our team will be helping to write the standards for mobile webpages by providing our professor with input on what we come across when designing webpages for mobil devices.

We get to write the rules of the internet.

Also, I've been gone cause of finals. I'll be back shortly.

That is all.


basilamer 16 years, 8 months ago

When in doubt, use 'device-width'.

F1ak3r 16 years, 8 months ago

@Josea: You could always turn off images. If you can't do this through your browser, Google will do it for you. Yes, Google converts pages for cellphones, and has the ability to turn off images. Of course, if going through Google all the time is too much trouble, you could download Opera Mini. Just search for it on the Mobile Web. I know for a fact that you're able to turn off images with that.

Lethal 16 years, 8 months ago

Am I too late for a C-c-c-combo-breaker?

stampede 16 years, 8 months ago


E-Magination 16 years, 8 months ago


TwistyWristy 16 years, 8 months ago

Awesome! Don't forget us about us when you're off holding conferences on the standards for mobile webpages!



s 16 years, 8 months ago

You should so manipulate them into making horrible standards so that we can all laugh at the massive chaos endured by cell phone browser users

SixWinged 16 years, 8 months ago
