Munch Munch

Posted by DesertFox on June 1, 2008, 1:27 a.m.

I had steak for dinner tonight. Steak and baked potatoes with broccoli (and I hate broccoli, I swear, that vegetable must be from another planet or something - its such a weird veggie) - I'm a fairly decent cook and it turned out delicious. Thats one of the best things about being home - being able to cook a lot of random stuff.

My older brother's birthday was recently, and so I got him Season 1 of Stargate SG1, which he had said he almost bought recently - he instead bought Knight Rider, hence the mention in my previous blog. I would have gotten him MacGyver, but I couldn't find a boxed set of it :(

I went to the library and got an absolute ton of books - RIT has a fairly crap library when it comes to leisure reading, so now that I have a decent library nearby, I will abuse that to the maximum.

Also, someone mentioned Ben Yahtzee so I must link to "Crates of Babies"

Also, nobody has found the source of my new hat. No I didn't make the avatar. And the fact that I am now back in Texas is a coincidence.

I don't think that I really have anything more to say now except see yah later!


Nighthawk 16 years, 4 months ago

(and I hate broccoli, I swear, that vegetable must be from another planet or something - its such a weird veggie)

I hate it too, but one of my little sisters loves it, which is weird, but good, I have someone's plate to dump all of mine onto. ^_^

Toadsanime 16 years, 4 months ago

Brocolli is definetely one of our world's oddest and most disgusting foods. Seriously, hell knows why it even exists. As for Ben Yahtzee, I love all his work, especially 1213. Oh, and happy belated birthday to your brother, hope he enjoys the present.

frenchcon1 16 years, 4 months ago


Toadsanime 16 years, 4 months ago

@Anti Paradise - I.. er… well, I'm not sure of how to comment towards that. (Which is ironic, because this comment is already commenting about it… O_o)

flashback 16 years, 4 months ago

Crocodile Fox?

SteveKB 16 years, 4 months ago

I like broccoli it's juicy with water. It's not that bad, I don't like olives though.

sirxemic 16 years, 4 months ago


There's nothing wrong with broccoli…

Wait, I'll take that back…

*arms himself*

Like I said: there's nothing wrong with broccoli!

Acid 16 years, 4 months ago

Did you try saying "no" first?

PY 16 years, 4 months ago


RetroVortex 16 years, 4 months ago

I lurve brocolli!

In fact i like pretty much every vegetable there is. (apart form asparagus, wich is bleh…)