Munch Munch

Posted by DesertFox on June 1, 2008, 1:27 a.m.

I had steak for dinner tonight. Steak and baked potatoes with broccoli (and I hate broccoli, I swear, that vegetable must be from another planet or something - its such a weird veggie) - I'm a fairly decent cook and it turned out delicious. Thats one of the best things about being home - being able to cook a lot of random stuff.

My older brother's birthday was recently, and so I got him Season 1 of Stargate SG1, which he had said he almost bought recently - he instead bought Knight Rider, hence the mention in my previous blog. I would have gotten him MacGyver, but I couldn't find a boxed set of it :(

I went to the library and got an absolute ton of books - RIT has a fairly crap library when it comes to leisure reading, so now that I have a decent library nearby, I will abuse that to the maximum.

Also, someone mentioned Ben Yahtzee so I must link to "Crates of Babies"

Also, nobody has found the source of my new hat. No I didn't make the avatar. And the fact that I am now back in Texas is a coincidence.

I don't think that I really have anything more to say now except see yah later!


s 16 years, 4 months ago

Broccoli is nice if you lightly steam it. Takes out the hardness but doesn't make it goo. Though from what you're saying I'm unsure of whether you hid it away or made it work right. Silly fawks, not explaining everything into the most minute of details

As for the avatar source, fraid I'm not a furry to know about all the Brokeback Mountain references created with weird rodent things. Maybe George knows

DesertFox 16 years, 4 months ago

Brokeback Mountain reference? Its a homage to adventurers - the one with the fedora is always the hero! And rodents? >_________>

-1 cool for making fun of my avatar

Ferret 16 years, 4 months ago


Oh hey! Desert Fox! Well while I'm sliding by your page, I have to ask, why not make any more blogs?

Ok see you later! *slides further down the slide*

s 16 years, 4 months ago

That thing is a rodent without a chin, are there even arms? How can a fedora hero be a fedora hero without arms?

DesertFox 16 years, 4 months ago

Oh yeah? Well your avatar looks like a malformed turtle dragging a pair of massive buttocks!

Theodore III 16 years, 4 months ago


s 16 years, 4 months ago

Oh yeah? Well your avatar looks like a mouse with a snake that ate an elephant wrapped around its head!