I need you, the general populace, to help me decide which style will be the final graphical style in the aforementioned flash game, which is sooo close to being done (should be end of today, didn't finish last night cause I was tired, and added a few new things))
The first style is a somewhat experimental style - thick lines with simple shading - looks somewhat cartoony, and in my opinion, very amateurish. The second style is exactly the same, but with all lines removed. What I need is your opinion on whether I should keep style 1, or just move to style 2.orEDIT: Some people said it might be good combine the two - outlines on the outside, nowhere else. Here is the result.
damn I spelt vanish wrong. Also you must unblock me on MSN D=
Hm… Second one for me, but the third is good as well. Also, change the font color from black to… something. It's hard to read.
I think the third one looks the best.
Third one. :)
Style three. And change the font, obviously.
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