^_^Odd preview pic here for yah:An interesting game that is almost completed. Whats shown is a random early level. I won't give any more info on it - you'll have to speculate on that.So I bought myself some random steaks to eat at my leisure. Cheap steaks, yes, but delicious nevertheless, cause its freakin' steak, man!Had another family reunion (fathers side), met an Aunt who does Comp Sci and has been programming for 16 yrs - pretty awesome. Finally, someone who actually knows what I am talking about when I talk about computers! She had an iTouch - something I wish to get soon. From the looks of it, it would totally be worth it.Another random image:Hooray for ninjas! Speaking of ninjas, the trees are after us!Also, Bernie Mac died D:
Steak reminds me of the LOLOMGWTFBBQ badge.
I saw those already! <3
I actually thought that was a sheet of paper at first glance. Then again, I'm intoxicated. Looks awesome DF. ^_^
said the man with a hermaphrodite in his avatar…Gosh, you mean the three little stars? It sounds painful for you to be in the bathroom. Perhaps you should consult a doctor!
You mean your penis ISN'T supposed to be all yellow and shiny?!?
yellow? Mine's orange