A Few Things

Posted by DesertFox on Oct. 23, 2008, 12:12 p.m.

I am here to talk about a few things - a few games I've played recently, a few things I've been working on, etc.

First, and most important, everyone needs to play World of Goo.

It is awesome. Sadly it is also very short, but it is still very worth it. So if you have some spare cash and are willing to spend it on a short game, World of Goo is a very good choice. Basically, use blobs of goo to build structures to reach an exit pipe! Beautiful graphics, wonderful music, and a strange storyline with an awesome ending cutscene. I definitely recommend World of Goo.

—## A few crysis spoilers, skip if you don't want to know ##–

–## Basically, Crysis's ending sucked ##–

Second, Crysis. the game ending was a bit of a letdown compared to the rest of the game. It was too abrupt. One minute you're nuking an island and there's so much fighting going on, and then your fighting an alien ship, and are evacuating from a sinking battleship, and then *WHAM* GAME ENDS! And not only does it end, but it ends with an extremely obvious ploy for a sequel. It really pisses me off.

Good game though, aside from the ending

—## End Spoilers ##–

Anyways, sort of related to World of Goo, I decided to check out verlet physics. Here are my results (1 night of programming :D):

It works pretty well, but it needs to be tweaked.

Also, something I've almost finished:

Yes, its shiny, no you can't play it yet.

Also, I want one of these:

I also feel like doing this sometime soon.

I think that is all for now.


[deleted user] 16 years ago

I've heard good things about World of Goo.

Picc84 16 years ago

Im making one of those books, RIGHT NOW, thats the best idea ever for hiding shit like ciggeretts and stuff… THANK you! Lol

Also, your games look sweet!

Nighthawk 16 years ago

Is that game (Phain Direct?) made in Game Maker, or Flash?

Josea 16 years ago

Hey! No spoilers! I still have to wait 4 years before computers capable of runing Crysis are available here!


A secret hollow book would be useful for some things….

Maybe hiding pot inside a big calculus book will keep people away…

KaBob799 16 years ago

Shiny =D

DesertFox 16 years ago

@rolf - having a cool hiding spot is in and of itself worth it, even if you don't have cool stuff to hide

@hel - Python for the verlets, with PyGame running the graphics

@Cesque - yeah, if only you could skip cutscenes

@Nighthawk - Chain Direct, Flash

@Josea - :P We ought to start up a fund and send you some money

Josea 16 years ago

@Josea - :P We ought to start up a fund and send you some money
Haha, nice idea =P

RC 16 years ago

Now I wants a hollow book. =3

SixWinged 16 years ago

I love the way you include lots of images in your blogs. :D